Competition Rankings For January

up to 12

Hehe I forgot that I was in this competition…

I’m at 3 now!


Got 28 now.

Had 5 last night! That’s my record!

Got 33 in total now.

Had an LD this night - total is now 3 for January.

I couldn’t tell for sure if this was 2 mini LDs or 1 with some loss of control in between, but damn it sure felt good to get back to lucidity for the first time in a while.

I was talking to my grandmother (deceased) when I noticed how much she also looked like my mom, then I realized it was my mom, and that my grandmother was passed and then she winked at me at the same time that I realized I was dreaming. I think I heard a “shhhhh” and “don’t blink”. That confused me and I lost vision shortly after. Then I was in a different place, my wife was on the floor and there was water rising above her face. I was next to a tub (maybe it was overflowing). I said something to the effect of “You don’t want to drown (die). It’s my dream. WAKE UP.”. Then my vision faded and felt and heard a loud rush sound and I started to merge with the tub and with the space around (similar to a salvia divinorum journey) and whoosh, I hear my alarm and wake up. Good stuff.

Put me down for 1. Total of 4



Raven24 LDs in january: 8

36 now.

Wow, ok at least 3 more maybe 4 this morning. I’m definately starting to get better with practice. And all this still with no dream journal. I do post some dreams and most of LDs, but other than that, I guess I am just a “hobbyist” of sorts. But it’s all starting to come together.

I’ll post some detail in my diary, but advancements this time include using the “try to fly” RC, ask someone if I’m dreaming RC , used the increase lucidity command (actually I said “increase brightness”)…and…

…Went though my first mirror! Which I guess I was ready to do. This was different. But again, based on some of my limited experiences with using salvia divinorum (kids, not an edorsement), it was vaguely familiar.

I felt the plane of the mirror pass across my dream body until I just turned into energy of sorts with not any “real” vision, but lots of what I would call “sparks” around, me and whispers and voices and some vibrations. The only voice I could make out was an older woman saying
“he usually plays with computers.”

This was a great morning of dream work. Thanks to all.

3 more, total of 7 I believe.

plus 3 for me:)

up to 14, beat last month’s record all ready.

I’ve beaten my last month’s record! Cool.

I got 41

If this keeps up, I think Lucidity Master and Pedro are going to start tearing holes in reality… :cool_laugh:

Up to 20

put me down for 3 more… the last was short and I didn’t retain detail but the first 2 were a bit better. Slowly but surely gaining confidence.

total of 10

Got one last night, that brings me up to one this month

I had another one!

Raven24s total in january: 9

46 now.



had a crappy 3-second LD tonight, up to 15