Competition Rankings for July


5 :good:
Looks like it can be my best month so far, yay

4 LDs.

I went on vacation and had LDs every night for 3 nights in a row, for a total of 8 LDs.

17 ld’s

7 LDs.

6 :angel_fly:

I would like to join this months competition. I’ve been having a bit of a dry spell and been really busy in real life, so hopefully this will be one of the things that gets my lucid dreams going again.

Anyways 0 for July.


up to 13 :smile:

5 LDs.

Yeah 3 last night,

that puts me up to 4!!!

I had an illusion or something that made me think I had about 300 dreams last night lol. They were ND’s but still… that’s a lot to think you had!

Anyway, 49.

20 ld’s

6 LDs.

I think I had a LD last night. The only problem is that when I was about to write it down I somehow managed to convince myself that I had only been ‘imagining’ the entire dream. I have the feeling that I reaced this conclusion because I was too aware in the dream :ack:

Now I can’t remember anything from it and I’m not ever sure if it was a LD or not :cry: .
Btw it happened during the first REM-period :help:

+1 makes 6.

oops… 14

8 LDs.

Yay! I’ve finally had an LD! So that’s one for this month…

1 more for me :cool: