Competition Rankings for July

This seems to be a big month for some of you! Good job guys!

Ofcourse I will have 100, 100 year long LD’s on the last night, and beat you all :ebil:

Actually, that would be pretty cool… :tongue:

One more gets me to 13.5.

2 more last night. In one of them I completed the Subconscious Quest!

Another 1.5 gets me to 15.

(I read your dream about the subconscious quest. Sounds cool!)

Another one brings me to 34.

1 more last night for 16.

2 more, so now I have 10

3 more last night giving me a total of 37.

I need 3 tonight!! Just 3 more! :happy:

I did it! I got 3 last night!! The last one I made a WILD though (even though I hate those) just to get it in. It turned out to be pretty long.

So 40 LD’s. I completed my goal. :grin:

:yay: Congratulations Wyvern!:yay:

I’m still at 3, but I’m sure those 100 100-year LD’s will come tonight :yes:

congratulations Wyvern!

but i swear though, yeah i’m gonna win this someday

probably someday soon :wink:

Congrats, Wyvern! :smile:

Someone else can make the topic for August if they want.

I’ll make the one for August. I just had an LD last night :tongue:

Another meager .5 bringing me to 10.5