Competition Rankings for March

1 more today :smile:
total = 9 LDs.

One more here too, and possibly speech induced! I’ll post it from the train :cool:

I had a low-level LD last night! So my total now goes to 3.

I’ve had 8 this month. It’s been pretty slack lately … :tongue:

Oh, you have got to be joking!! :eek:

A question about counting:

I’ve been thinking about taking part in this, just as a motivator (not that I’m very competative).

I’ve had :

– one short LD (I explicitly realized that I was dreaming, but almost immediatly woke up as soon as I’d done so)

– one longer LD (RC, flying, sex, failed attempt to modify my surroundings)

– one extremely short dream, in which I woke up while I was deciding that I was actually dreaming (ie. by the time I got to “yep, I’m dreaming, all right”) I was now awake rather than still sleeping/dreaming.

By my own inclination, I’d call this 2 LDs.

(Maybe 2 & 1/2 – strictly for purposes of charting personal progress. Or maybe I could classify them; 1 mini-LD, one regular-LD, and one micro-LD…)

So how many LDs would this make by the standards of this competition?

Two in march, Too bad i forget what was in them, but I have more interesting “normal dreams”, at least they count as normal, shared candidate and precog.


i had 3 LDs this morning (at least :grin: but they were all too short :sad: so i’ll count them all as 1.
Total = 10 LDs.

Same thing for me… 2 LDs, but so short that I’ll count them as one.

March Total: 12

Got my third LD this month today morning :content:
It means 2 of 3 WBTB attempts this month were successful for me.

I don’t think that there are any objective standards, but it’s up how someone counts their LD’s. Some people don’t count lucid moments that last less than 10 seconds as LD. I personally don’t count those lucid moments as LDs, but i know people who count 2 short LD-s (or lucid moments) as 1 LD.

So it’s up to you :smile:

No, not really :neutral: … when I put good effort in it, I get an average of 1 LD a night, yet I have been lazy lately. 1 LD a night isnt that insane anyway, there have been people here known to count over 100 LD’s a month (if they didnt cheat, that is, but I always assume people are honest untill proved otherwise).

That’s fantastic Xetrov, I never realised that people here HAVE actually had such success with LD’ing - as it seems that most people are struggling with it. It’s good to hear in this thread that there are those people who can LD with regular proficiency, it gives me confidence that I’ll be able to do the same given enough time, practise and effort :content:

I had one last night, and it was high level! That makes 10, total

Seems like Siiw is getting good with LDing :thumbs:

Bernard, people all count a bit different. I don’t count LDs that are shorter than 5 seconds or so. But I’d say it’s up to you really to decide how to count. But I would say that it shouldn’t count it if you wake up as soon as you realise you are dreaming. And I think people that start out LDing usually count even 1 sec LDs as a LD, but when you get more experienced you will probably switch over to only counting longer ones :smile:

3 LDs. Thanks to the soundfile of phoenelai (see this topic) :wink:

Had one more (9 total). And Snape, although most people indeed do struggle to get LD’s, there are also many people here at this forum quite good at LD-ing, however most of those don’t participate in this thread :smile:.

Had a low level LD this morning :content:

I had OOBE today at the end of daytime nap :cool_laugh:

In first OOBE i did not succeeded to see anything, but fortunately i managed to have straightly another OOBE what turned into pretty decent LD :content:

So 4 LD-s so far.

OK, then.

Put me down for 2, so far this month.

One more = 10.