Competition Rankings for November

I’ve got one. i didn’t put it but my dream diary first post is a LD. :tongue:

havent updated for i while, 20 to add, which makes 26 :smile:

can i join in? ive had one this month.

Sure you can join :cool:

omg I had one I thought I would go all month without ONE :grin:

A flying lucid this morning… had some nice view over a broad river in a forest… so that makes 29. :content:

Holicrap, you people have a lot of LDs… How long have you been LDing for?

I had 1 WILD this morning :cool:

Muffin, ‘only’ for about 3 years :smile:

I had one more last night.

1 more last night

One WILD this morning, so my total for this month is 12 LDs. I was hoping to get more than 15 this month, but it’s been a stressful month.

4 more last night :smile:

I had a LD where I couldn’t move because I was in dream SP :cry: and I also remembered that I had the same dream yesterday. So that’s 2 more for me :grin: now I just have to figure out how to move when I have SP in a dream.

Final result for me this month: 30. I counted all the lucids though, also the short ones. Still this is an all time high for me :happy:

Just when I thought that I beat you, JaRoD :tongue:
:content: lol congrats, man!

and congrats to all of you who made new records for themselves :smile:

Dark Sider, I a way you probably have. Your LDs are much longer than mine :tongue: Mine have lately been shorter than 20 sec or so I think :sad:

I had one more today morning. So it makes 9 total for this month.

I could have 1 more afterwards in FA, but i doubted about my nose-RC (what passed every time i did it, but i labelled it as possible cold problem with my nose, because my test with trying to put finger through things failed every time, and the environment looked very similar to RL), and i forgot to look at my hands and find some text to read :bored:

Finishing the month with 21 ld’s

On final LD for the month. giving me four in total.