Competition Rankings for November

another 1,

so 12 now


2 more last night :smile:

Had a short break but “they” are back again. 21 sofar this month.

1 last night.

1 more. Total = 9 LDs.

Did a quite succesful test with a form of WILD … had 4 lucids with it this morning. That makes 25 :happy:

Xetrov you freak!


i had 1 last night… low level, but good enough to put me to 13 :tongue:


I had a WILD this morning :content: , so my total is 10 LDs.

Jarod you havent updated Pedro :tongue: last time i saw a post of him he had ‘34’ LD’s this month :content:

It’s because he hasn’t made another post here since he had 21 LDs that I haven’t updated his :tongue: But since you mentioned it I have updated it now :grin:

I broke my monthly record now - 8 ld’s during one month :grin:

Had one of the rarest WBTB/WILD’s after falling 3 times into SP and trying to get lucid in every SP. But i think my last SP was kinda false SP (check out my recent post in Acronyms).

Congrats Cyrus ! :cool_laugh:
1, but with so low lucidity that it counts for 0,5 :sad:

4 in one night takes me to 17 overall :grin:


lol stranger i see the alcohol worked :happy:

Xetrov, lol, it sure did,

make it 18 now coz i had a midday nap and had 1 more! :razz:


one more… :smile:

I just remembered an LD i had LOL! I was walking on a street and some dude came running at me…i realised i was dreaming and let him run ‘through’ me.
thats all i remember but it was a LD alright:P

so now im at… 19!! Ive never had this much in one month…and still 4 sleeps to go! woohoo! :happy:


Had 2 last night, makes 27 :smile:

one more makes my total = 11.

28 now… :happy: