Competition Rankings for November

I had 1 more. and I think I had 2 really short lucid moments too, but I’m not sure :bored:

total = 11

I had another one this morning :cool:

That makes 3!

I only had 1 short one last night 0_o . . . that’s 17 then.

2 more LDs. Total = 8.

very short and pointless lucid moment

so the total would be 12 now

I had some lucid moments while napping today. Most of them were like this: “I’m already sleeping…because i am dreaming now!”…and then I woke up again. I don’t want to count those. :tongue:

12 ld’s

13 ld’s

had another one, count me at 5 now

1 more = 6

Yay! One more last night!

:cheer: :cheer: another LD last night … so that’s 2 for november :cheer: :cheer:

I made someone appear as a DC. :happy:

Congratulations moogle :partying_face: :cool_laugh:

I had 1 more today, and a few pre-lucid dreams where I did cool stuff :cool:

14 ld’s

After having kinda FLD tonight, in my next similar ND i managed to make myself totally lucid and aware of that, so it adds one more. 7 in November so far then.

1 DILD + 1 AP = 2 LDs = 8 altogether

Had only 1 LD this weekend :eh:

11 overall


I had one! That makes…4.

one DILD :smile: