Competition Rankings for November

3 so far…

LOL, i agree :razz:

As far as I know there’s only one that can beat pedro, and that’s Lucidity_master :razz: or atleast until we get another lucidity master that can beat them both :gni:

Well i’m doing my best (not that it will be enough… hehe), i got 3 more lucid’s this morning doing WBTB + MILD (my method of preference). So that makes 12 total.

Yeah that’s right Lucidity Master got a lot more than me one month… and I mean a lot! :happy:

24 now.

I’ve had two now. A bad month (so far, my worse ever).

I had a short one this morning. I just a moment ago I remembered that I might have had another one, but that one could very well have been a false LD though :eh:

Had 2 this morning (1 was rather short but hey, it counts), makes 14 :content:

29 now.

9 ld’s

2 more.

Another short one.

:happy: one low level LD last night that faded back into a ND. Link

1 LD last night

i’m going to be the big loser :cry:

There are no losers in here :cool:

It takes several months between LDs for a lot of people.

Had another 2 this morning, 1 just out of the blue and 1 succesful WILD :happy:

So im @ 16 now :smile:

10 ld’s

had 2 LD’s and 1 AP this morning,

so im at 10 overall.


i know i’m coming in late, but as of right now i’ve had 4 this month…