Competition Rankings for October

Just one so far. Been staying up late unpacking and stuff… Like tonight DOH

I had 2 LDs, but I’m not sure if the first one really was a LD or not. So I’ll just count it as one…

First LD in this month… I’m not getting any better it seems.

I hadn’t noticed this thread earlier, this is great. Maybe I’ll have some chances next month (this month has taken off poorly). :smile:

I had my 5th LD this morning.

1 more :smile:

1 more here too :cool:

I had OBE last night. So 6 LD’s this month so far.

I’ll post my dream after work.

4 total. :grin:

ONE!! I got ONE for October :partying_face:

hehe my first competiton ranking post :content:

I got three last night
so it is 6th in october

I got my birthday LD at last… it must have got delaid in the post :tongue:
:boogie: The Tower :boogie:

3 more since last time…

/me had a LD :cool: It makes a total of 5, I can’t remember if i added the one from yesterday.

I`bve had One !
My first ! :boogie:

YAY! for Pettertombos :good:

+1.5 LDs for me :content:

One more, which makes three :smile:

Happy b-day Moogle and good that you had such a present :boogie:

I forgot to notice earlier, that i had my 7th LD this month yesterday. But as i were too tired to wrote it down, i remembered only the end of it later :sad:

I just need to write more dreams down to my DD to improve my dream recall. I have been too busy IRL, so i don’t have enought time to sleep, or those dreams are too much related with RL “worries”. Anyway…

I only really started at teh beginning of the month, and got 4 LDs and 2 lucid moments so far, and it seems they are becoming longer and better. Yay! I don’t even do regular RCs. Just thinking “I want to have a LD!” when I go to bed.

Another for me, 5 for October. :grin: