Competition Rankings for October

I had one more a while back (which is why I have 16 in my sig).

One more :happy:
I think I might be recovering from a small dry spell :content:

Total for October - 3 LDs

It looks like it :happy:

Another one. That makes 4 the total :smile:

I told myself I wouldn’t get out of bed until I had a LD this morning. I had 2! :colgate:

which brings my total to 4

2 more .5’s bring me to 17. Hope I finish this month with a bang…

I might just sign up for this competition late… wish me luck!

Good luck, HebrewB! If you have like 6 a night you could totally win this thing.

I had three halves last night, making a nice rounded 7.

Hardly worth mentioning, but I had another, bringing me to a paltry 3 for October. What can I say, if I don’t go to sleep, I can’t dream!

…Uh, is it too late for me to join in this thing?

I got my first VILDs :cool_laugh:
LDs in October: 9.5

I got a LD today, hooray!

I got 4 more. 23.5 :smile:

lol Yang’s taking my place!

I have a weird pattern…
.5 last night ending with 6.5 for this month.

I closed out the month with 18…

And congrats, Yang! 23.5 LD’s in one month, and the first competition joined in… months (I don’t know if you had joined other competitions prior to this one… :shy:)!

Thank you, Neo! :smile: This was actually my first competition.

edit: aarggh…I can’t type anymore