Competition Rankings for October

I had one more a while back bringing me to 8.5. Definitely not a good start…

Doh! I keep forgetting to count! I wanted to join the October one but I forgot about until the 13th and I don’t remember the exact number, (although I’ve had them for three days straight and I had two lenghty ones last night, :grin: ) Darn it! pouts oh well, I guess I’ll have to join next month! :content:

0.5 more for me :smile:

It’s been a while since I actually reality checked frequently, but I tried it a bit yesterday, and I got a small LD as a reward :content:

Octopus/October toe-toe-total: 2

2 more last night gets me to 10.5.

3 last night get me to… 6 :grin:

2 more. 13.5 :happy:

.5 last night gets me to 11.

1 just this morning, was a totally cool one in the rain and gliding across the floor lol

total I think for me is 9

Another .5 last night gets me to 11.5.

Another awesome one! Me thinks I jynxed myself saying that quantity didn’t matter. Oh well. These 2 dreams have been great… And long! They’re gonna be hell to write!

2 more get me to 13.5. Hopefully, I got teleporting down so I can use it next time…

I’ve forgotten to join in this month!

I’ve had 4.5 so far, but all were pretty short.

click HERE to read the latest really long dream with short lucid part! Or a few posts up for the others.

One more brings me to 7! :grin:

w00t! 4 last night! 6 for October.

I was so close to getting you last night BB! :devil:

One more last night, 2 for october.

1.5 gets me to 15.

6 more gets me to 19.5

I got one low lucidity LD (actually i had problems of keeping it going), but it was long enough to count it in. So 4 LDs this month for me.

2 really short ones last night! That makes 5.5.

Woopie… 7.5!! :grin: