Conditions to go lucid in

Do you think its better to be really tired :bored: when you go to sleep or quite awake? When i try (i havnt succeded yet) i am thinking about having alucid dream and i feel my body fall into different levels of conciousness. I find myself sort of in my head just thinking to myself to ‘lucid dream’ and not really feeling my body but then i come out again when i realise this so i have to start the process again. Suddenlyi just wake up and its morning :cry: .But i feel im getting closer. So do you think its better to be really tired when you go to sleep or quite awake cause if im really tired i fall asleep straightaway but if im to awake i think different thoughts to easily and fall asleep that way. HELP ME PLZ!! :cool_laugh:
Love DeadBunny

I think it’s better to be awake. Which I never am. I feel better trying WILD when I’m awake. Sometimes obviously it’s gonna be too hard to do it if you’re too awake. But being tired all the time has definately not helped me do anything. I don’t know about normal ppl though! Try both.

wouldnt you have to be tired though?
If you try when your awake then I cant see how it would work because you wouldnt go to sleep…

it is harder to fall asleep when ur awake, cos it takes longer for your body to realise what ur wanting it to do, but then WILD would work better, cos ud have time to do what u wanted to do to do it properly, plus u do fall asleep eventually no matter how awake u r, cos ur body gets bored and shuts down.

I wish I could do that… If I ever try to go to sleep in the day, or anytime when Im not tired, it never works… I end up just lying there bored…
Oh well, I guess it must depend on the person really…

There is no easy answer for that. Everyone is different so what you have to do is try different things until you discover what is right for you.

Happy Dreaming

It also depends what technique you’re trying to use. For WILD, I much prefer to be extremely tired, just so it doesn’t take very long to start falling asleep. Also, when you’re tired (due to insufficient sleep), your brain tries to catch up by increasing the length and frequency of REM cycles, causing you to dream more, and potentially become lucid. Not that I recommend purposefully getting less sleep if you can avoid it.

Besides, as Milod sayd, things like this are very much dependant on the individual. Try both, and see what works better for you. Good luck. :smile:

Will do guys, thnx! I tried being really awake yesterday cause i got so excited reading this forum! I ran upstairs to my room (about 4’oclock) and fell onto the bed fully dressed so i could try to LD but no luck, my family was making to much noise and i was still quite full of energy. Anyway ill nxt try being really tired and then somewhere in the middle im bound to get it right sometime.
Once again thnx! Love DeadBunny

It might also be helpful if you search this forum and the internet on meditation techniques. Learning meditation can be a big help with WILD.

For me it works best when im tired and sleepy at the time im normally not.I.e when i havent slept much night before and im sleepy at 9pm which normally never happens as i usually go to sleep well after 2 am.
I guess this trick keeps brain more active while your body just want to sleep.
good luck:)

Usually it is best to do WILD when you are very tires but other techniques like MILD or VILD work better when you’re less tired because it takes longer to fall asleep and thus you repeat your intention more before falling asleep.

It’s best when you’re sleepy, but not very tired, for example after a WBTB. When you’re tired, you have shorter REM periods. When go to sleep too late, I sleep harder and it’s harder for me to remember dreams and to wake up to WBTB.