Confidence gives you lucid dreams!

Well, tryed this last night. It resulted in 2 lucid dreams. :woo:

When I went to sleep, I said to my self “I’m going to lucid dream. I Will have a Lucid dream, nothing is here to stop me, I will!!” (I said with lots of confidence and made sure of it, but I said it pretty calmy, wasn’t demanding but it was more like I was just stating facts.

Fell asleep. The first dream was rather weird, I was with a girl I knew from school in a room, this room was all white so it was pretty hard to see how far it went on for. I was doing some kind of power to the woman, I kept removing her hair making her bald. From this I must of determined it was a dream, I attempted a Reality check and it worked. I attempted sex with her (luckily she was hot :content: ) I woke up in the excitment :cry: .I saw darkness, and a picture of a potahauntess (Think that’s how you spell her name) However, I woke up in a bed that was not mine, I was still in bed with her but it was in my room. My PC was on and it was very diffrent, the case was glowing. I then told it to shut up. All these diffrent messages kept coming out of it, Just like the window’s ones, the errors. But they flew threw the air to me. I just turned over and I woke up.

After 20 minuites had gone, I fell asleep. I was going in a queue around these shops. The first one seld these pink things, I took two to buy, However I ate one on the way, they tasted so nice. After that the man behind the desk commented on my mum’s boob’s, asking what size they were. I simply stared at him lol. I went outside, and it seemed the scene had changed slightly. I was at school, but alot more tennis courts were there, as though all the students were closed in on the field. Suddenly, two Imperial type boats crash landed where we were standing, for some reason now There was a river going through my school. Things just weren’t adding up… I then went to sit on this… swing…Thingy,(No idea what it was) The girl who i had sex with was on the swing next to me, It suddenly made me realise i had a lucid dream last night. I went to tell my friends but I fell off the swing and hit the mud, everyone laughed. I got it all over my sports trousers :\ and it didn’t look like mud either. I then said to my self. “hold on, I had the lucid dream just an hour ago…that means I must be dreaming now then”, it felt really easy though, like it was though my sub-concious was helping me come lucid. I did a reality check and Yep, It was a dream!. Suddenly though, it started to rain and get windy, I found it really hard to move, Probs my sub-concious stopping me. I told a friend of mine who actually knows of Lucid dreaming that it was a dream, and he attempted a reality check and he saw that it was a dream too, he started to prance around trying to fly which looked very strange indeed.

I then flew over the hills with wings grown out of my back, I could feel them and move them, as I glided through the air. Everyone was like ‘Wooooooow’ I then kinda fell out of the dream somehow.

My next dream after that was connected to the second, And nearly came lucid upon that.
To cut a long story short, I was outside a building with a squadran of American troops in france, it was obviously in WW2. The commander dude was smashing the window with his shotgun and I threw a grenade in (I didn’t hear any screams but he said nice throw you got lots). Suddenly on the table next to us, I saw the pink sweet that I bought in the last dream (I only ate one remmeber, I put the other in my pocket) I said wow…Have my dreams come true…?The other people who were fighting at the time were baffled and continued the fight. I put it in my pocket and said 'Well, wait till the people at ld4all see this…" That’s all I remember.

Good Technique

wow altheman9993, thats awesome!

I had another lucid dream using this technique last night, although it only lasted about 5 seconds >.<.
All I remember from it is that I was on the computer, I’m not really sure what I was doing, but some text came up. It was an advertisment to some site. So I decided to do that RC where you look at some text, look away and look back hoping it changed. And it did! I became lucid almost instantly from that.
But out of no-where freddie kruger shows up, and he starts stabbing me (or atleast, tries) I was so shocked, and scared I woke up.
I know, its my dream and i’m in control, but I wasnt expecting that AT ALL.
But hey, atleast I was lucid!

I bought a book called Lucid Dream in 30 Days: The Creative Sleep Program. I am on day 7, and last night before going to bed, i had to tell myself that I was waking up rather than going to sleep, and that I would be awake and fully conscious in my dreams. And guess what, I had a lucid dream! I had a lucid dream after day 3 also, so I highly recommend the book. I can’t wait to get further into it. But yea, this is like the 3rd time in 2 weeks that I had a lucid dream based on the confidence before bed technique.
oh yea, and I just started keeping a dream journal again, and I’m pretty sure that the dream journal, plus reality checks, plus confidence before bed gives you lucid dreams!

Sweet! I’m gonna look for the book right away :happy:

It is very much like MILD and Autsoggestion, but it’s the confidence feeling. Stating the fact that you WILL Wake up in a dream, and result in becoming lucid that really makes this technique stand out. Perhaps thinking of reality checks while speaking about it before sleep could assist the technique.

Had another lucid dream. This is so awesome

Yeah, this technique has REALLY boosted up my DR!

this is the only technique I’ve used thats given me 2 LD’s in a week :smile:. (thats pretty good, for me atleast ;o it will get better with practice )

Carelessness gets me more lucid dreams than confidence.

The other nigh—er… morning… I had my first lucid dreams in months. I woke up and I was pretty darn happy and said “Wow, that was SO EASY”.

So the next day I awoke early in the morning and tried the same thing again with a LOT of confidence, but I simply fell asleep and had a boring, lame dream.

I guess confidence doesn’t work in my case… ^__^;

Wow, this sounds cool! I’m going to have to try it. Even if it doesn’t work, it seems to help DR (and I’ve been having really crappy DR lately!). Seems like it can’t hurt. I’ll try it tonight! :smile:

Using AS + MILD with no WBTB has worked really well for me, I have realised I am dreaming nearly every night (only forgot once or twice in a week), but I have only acted on it twice, the other times I just got lost in the dream again, so I now need to work on increasing lucidity.

I am just bumping this post back up to the top since alot of people have had huge success with this, including myself. I propose that it be sticky’d. :smile: