Ive had a few dreams where i know im dreaming and i can move around do anything i want to -flying- (when i move in the dream it appears to me that i am hovering(floating) and when i want to move in the dream it is unbelievably fast, i look at something then in an instant i see everything warp either side of me-(like a camera zooming in)…- anyway… but then the other night i notcied i couldn’t see my self, all i could see were like flashes of stuff like watching tv- i could see islands then all of sudden it was on fire-( like standing back and watching something-i wasnt apart of it??. and i noticed i could see people i new- (well i recognise)but the strange thing is when i wake up (reality)i dont know them at all??.i have had many dreams where i see cities and countrysides burning??.wird stuff.
and btw everytime i do awake from lucid dreaming i am terrified…but i dont understand why i am- nothing bad happens in my lds?.
If you wake up and find yourself confused about the things that you did when you were lucid, it probably indicates that you lost control shortly after gaining it. This happens ALL the time, and people tend to just think of the entire dream as being a LD, just because they were truly lucid for the first few seconds. If this is in fact the case, then I wouldn’t concern myself with the events that took place when you were back to dreaming normally.
It’s also quite common to accosiate with people in dreams who for some reason you get the feeling are close friends. I often wake up and simply can’t identify who the person was who was with me the whole time. I know it was a close friend, but I don’t think that the dream ever established who it was. I usually assume it was simply a representation of ‘a close friend’.
I think like atheist u lose lucidity somewhere on the line while having a ld!
Is the only thing that would explain why u are confused when u wake up from a ld and feel terrified…maybe u also dream very intense?
Greetings jeff