Confuzing reality

Have any of you ever had a dream and after some time not be able to tell if it actually happend or not? I mean not like a crazy dream where you were doing something impossible but like a dream where you were doing something that is remotly realistic?
Like, an example of this happening to me… is one time I had a dream where it started snowing… and in real life there was no snow on the ground… but wile i was sleeping it started to snow… so when I woke up I didnt even notuce that it had snowed, and it was the first snow of the year but I walked around as if it had been there a few days… :eh: . That may be a bad example, this one is a little better… I had a dream where someone called me that I never talk to, I woke up and remembered the dream a wile later and thought it actualy happend so I asked the person why they called me the other day… and got a strange look…
I have also woken up and believed something crazy for a few minutes… Like I dreamt I had a four-wheeler the night before and then it hit me while I was brushing my teeth that it was just a dream :wink:. I’ve also had crazy experiances like this when I was little… I had a dream… where I was at the zoo and a certain part of the zoo was black and white :sad: and my mom was afraid of it because it was wierd… Of course now I know that that is crazy and is very very unlikely that half of a zoo would not be in color… but for a wile I never realized it was a dream… :eh: And I have some false memories where people tell me things and I bring it up in conversation and everyone looks at me like im crazy… I still have some memories where i dont know if I dreamt it or not but… yeah…
anyone else have the same experiance?

Of course! Recently I was napping on the couch and I thought I woke up and saw something on the news about an upcoming meteor shower and then I fell back to sleep and I thought it really happened but it was just a FA because I asked my boyfriend (who had been sitting there the whole time I was napping) and he said I never woke up once and the news wasn’t even on while I was sleeping. I’ve had other dream memories that I’ve had to question whether they really happened or not IRL, but that’s just one example I can give you to let you see you’re not alone or crazy. :content:

It has happend to me too in the first times and it seems to be rather common when you increase your dream recall. There is a good explanation of the phenomenon in the Dissociation chapter of the LD wikibook.

for me, it’s much easier to confuse a dream with reality when the dream was coherent. Which makes sense, when you think about it.

OMG yes! That does happen alot.
In most of my dreams I’m at school so when I’m really at school and somehing out of the ordinary happens, then I do a RC jus to see if I might be dreaming.

I was actually in florida and left on saturday a week ago, then after a few days there I had a dream about me and my friend who went along driving down to florida and talkin. Then woke up and was tellin her that we got a whole week down here and looked at me funny. She was like, we went down here a few days ago, and have like 3 days left. REMEMBER??.. O-o

but yeah, you ain’t alone so don’t worry about it. I think it’s kinda fun. Keeps ya on your toes and kinda wondering. xP

Yeah, it can be frustrating sometimes. Sometimes you never figure out what was real or not, it’s weird. This has been happening more to me lately.

hahahahaha yes this happens to me too many times. I’ve freaked out my mom and family a couple of times…lol. And its sooo embarassing because when you see the look on their face, and when they start laughing at you…i hate that feeling…lol.

i know, lol.

This happened a lot to me when I was little.
Once I dreamt that I woke up in the middle of the night, walked as quiet as possible to a bag of chips I remembered being bought during the day. Then I ate them all. But nobody remembers seeing an empty bag of chips in the morning.

I also have some kind of false memory about being a baby (or a very small child) and tuddling around in a park that I’ve never seen after that, and nobody remembers the park nor the events in it.

This would happen to me when I was a little kid sometimes. I’d wake up and start talking about it as if it actually happened, and my mom would give me one of those ‘your crazy’ looks :eh:

Maybe this has something to do with the child brain not being fully developed. Why else does these incidents stop or decrease when growing up?
Or, maybe we are just stupid when we are not yet ‘used’ to the real world, and don’t get that it’s just a dream, after all. :gni:

I think its a combination of memory and the vividness of the dream you had.

On Fri. I heard to set the clocks back 2 hrs. rather than 1.

Sometimes, after I’ve woken up and gone back to sleep again for perhaps five-ten minutes, I’ll dream I’m checking my watch to see how much time has passed and if I need to get out of bed yet. This is also something I do each morning in real life.

…a couple of times I’ve woken myself up out of worry that I’m going to be late for uni, because I dreamt more time had passed than it had in reality. Naturally, when I check my watch in real life, I’m then quite surprised to find that I’ve still got perhaps half a hour before I need to get up and all my worrying was for nothing!

  • These dreams differ a lot from my usual ones in that I genuinely think it’s real at the time, and in that they’re so much more mundane and boring than my usual crazy adventures. It’s the only time this ever happens, too. Maybe I should just get an alarm clock and save myself the bother of checking my watch at all. sigh :neutral:

i dont know if this is the same thing but when i woke up one time i saw a centipede walking along the wall for a bit and then it stopped so i walked over to it and squshed it but when i lifted my hand the centipede was just a scratch on the wall. THERE WAS NO CENTIPEDE. It scared me a bit cause i thought i was having flashbacks or something

SpEEd0, it’s not the same thing. What you had were “hypnopompic hallucinations” (hypnagogic = when you go to sleep; hypnopompic = when you wake up).
It’s rather rare but normal. Hypnopompics are more amazing than hypnagogics, cause when they happen, you’ve perfectly woken up, your eyes are open, sometimes you’re even no more in your bed.
I saw once a fire ball flying in my bedroom, many years ago! :eek:

Once I dreamt about pickles, then when I went to go eat the pickles…

There were no pickles.