Connecting Dreamscapes?

moved from Fruits of Lucidity

Hey guys, this is actually something I have noticed some time ago.

Once I dreamed I was in a shopping mall. Sure, malls are recurrent in my dreams, for some reason, so that wasn’t really out of the ordinary. The thing is I paid a lot of attention to the structure, so I remembered both inside and outside of it really well.

Fast-forward a few months. I’m dreaming I’m heading down some really narrow streets in a shady looking place. I know this path, and I know it’s dangerous, so I’m heading down as fast as I can. As I leave the narrow area, I get to… the mall from the other dream! The thing, though, is that the slums area connected to the only part of the surroundings I hadn’t checked in the other dream, so I can’t say it was overlaying anything or contradicting the other dream. And consider it’s a long time apart, it’s kinda impressive.

Has anyone had this kind of experience too?

ya i think i know what your talking about.
this one time i had a dream (dont remember what it was about) and it was pretty cool dream. then a few weeks later i had the same dream except it was the beginner and ending added on. so it was like a continuation. with the same DC and same plot/setting. it was pretty cool though