moved from lounge to Beyond Dreaming
Dear fellow lucid dreamers,
Has anyone experienced the Great Golden Light before or during sleep? If so, how has the Light enhanced or enriched your conscious expression?
I have read posts here and elsewhere that describe the perception of light upon retiring to bed. “Ignore them and wait, then they will disappear,” seems to be the rule. Yet, my experience doesn’t fit this model. Here’s my story:
I encounter the Light every time I meditate and (try) to practice an OBE/LD technique before falling asleep. I hedge the word “try” because sometimes the Light pre-empts my OBE/LD practice. This Light seemingly comes “from nothing” (there is no “starter” light, like the residue of staring at a light bulb), and instead grows brighter as I meditate. There have been instances when the Light finds me in my sleep, increasing in intensity and eventually waking me up. While the Light provides me immense peace and bliss, I want to engage it more fully but don’t know how. Is it possible to “partner” with the Light to jump-start my consciousness to a next level?
In only one instance that I can recall, the Light appeared to me in an OBE/LD. (I couldn’t tell which it was.) After appearing, I was able to relax and accept its presence–so much so that I seemed to travel inside it. To my amazement, there was the figure of a man looking back at me from deep within the Light! Regrettably (and how!), I wasn’t prepared for such a discovery, and in my startle I woke up. Regrettable, indeed.
In closing, does anyone recognize this Great Golden Light from personal experience? How can I cultivate the Light for increasing conscious awareness, be it OBE or LD? I appreciate genuine insights you may share.