I was wondering… since in an LD you are conscious… how could you forget your whole LD. If I set an alarm to wake me up lets say 2:00AM and i get up and start doing somthing for… 10 min. Go back to bed and sleep, when I wake up i rememmber most of what i did at 2:00am in the mourning. Or partially rememmber it. I understand forgetting dreams, as WeirdHat told me, you will not know if you forgot an LD… but do you really think its possible, I mean you would rememmber most considering the excitement and just the fact of you being conscious, right? I would like to know some of your opinons… thanks.
I agree, id never be able to forget a LD. Unless you have amnesia or dont care about it at all, you will not just forget about it. Its not the same as with normal dreams which you forget pretty fast if you dont pay attention to it (the difference being offcourse you are conscious in LD).
So i actually also dont uderstand the following argument which i have heared: “you have at least to remember one dream a night, or how else would you be able to remeber a lucid dream?”… I personally dont think this is always valid. I think it would be very usefull to remember a lot of dreams, but its not a nececarry condition to LD imho.
i don’t think it is true if you were fully aware in the dream and it was a full blown lucid that you’d forget it. how could you, it would be like really doing something, and what you did today isn’t hard to remember is it? maybe if you were only slightly lucid, you could forget. good question
well, i think the real purpose for remembering all your other dreams, is that it will show you things that occur often in your regular dreams, and you can find dream signs in them. You can later use these dream signs to initiate a lucid dream by basing a reality check off of it. I think that’s the most important thing about dream recall.