This one’s for you, Lebowsk1. For some reason, I thought of you when reading this page.
I was originally doing research on Light Tech and Breatharianism, when I came across a site that had this little bit on consciousness and the nature of dreams. I know some people might not agree with this person’s interpretation. But I thought it was the most profound thing that I’ve ever read. It’s not really anything new, but it just said it in a way that made a lot of sense to me. But that’s probably just because I recently had my most prophetic dream ever .
Did you know that the dreams you have at night are created by the things you deny during the day? This is actually not my inventions, I’ve read excellent books by Ann Faraday and C.G. Jung, and highly recommend those. Avoid Freud though, his teachings are totally misleading as he claims that all dreams are the creation of our sexuality. Sexual denial is merely one of the things we can deny, Freud missed our denials of anger, sadness, hatred etc. Read the other books to find out why he is wrong.
When we deny something, it doesn’t make it go away. And when we fall asleep, our morals and the structure we put into life vanishes. All of our denials come forth. In the dreaming state, we roam on another wavelength of the world, called the astral plane. Here, our thoughts alter the world. The denied things that now come forth, manifest themselves into symbolic objects or events. Our dreams consist of our denials. I will elaborate on this to explain how and why.
As long as you deny aspects of yourself, you will dream of them. You will also be depending on sleep as getting to be who you are without limits in the dreams, is something you need. So as long as you are dreaming, you probably have blockages to sort out before you are aware of all things about you.
Dream interpretation is how you explore your world of denials. I will later add a page on how this is done. I believe that a person who has no denials, and thus doesn’t need to dream about them, experiences the lucid dreams. That is when you fall asleep, but realise that you’re fully awake in the dream world or astral plane. It is great fun. You can explore the world, fly in outer space, and I don’t think anyone ever grows tired of it!
Very interesting. Thank you for that .