Hi everyone, quick intro, im perry and i have been a constant guest on this site for about 7 months. however, i could never become a member because i never had frequent access to the net. but now im a member and i’d like some help with problems.
Everytime im dreaming, (lucid or not) i might have a goal in that dream, to meet someone or do something or whatever. but what will happen is the object will be there at first, (lets just say a friend) but then about a minute or two into the dream, i look back and they’re like a fish or something! then i get this empty feeling and spend the rest of the dream trying to find the friend in vain. Always, i never find them twice. Please help!
(btw i still don’t have access all the time to the net, so please don’t be offended if it takes a while for me to reply!
Hello Perry. It seems that you have some experience with fluctuating unstable dreams. Its pretty normal stuff though usually with more dream recalling they seem to become more stable and vivid. Atleast for me
If you’re pretty high lucid, you could try to find your friend back by opening doors while expecting to find him there. Continue to open doors and strengthening your expectations until you succeed. If there aren’t enough doors, you can always try to create them using your dream powers
Thanks for the tips. I remember a few times where things can be really stable, but most times things get really bad. Like for example, i was once having a dream where it was snowing in a place i’d never been before and then i became lucid. But no matter what i tried, i just could not conjure my friend or use any powers. i tried turning around to see them there, reaching out behind me to feel them there, thinking i saw them off in the distance and running, but nothing seemed to work. i would then wake up and feel sad. Its weird its kinda like that these days the more and more i am aware im dreaming the less control i have over what happens.
Perhaps, like normal dreams, it is representative of how you feel in your waking life. Mabey it’s an expectation issue. Why would they turn into a fish? Perhaps you were expecting something to go wrong. I had a lucid dream like that. I was in my room, and I was scared that something was suddenly going to come out of the closet without me looking. I kept looking over at the closet expecting something to come out of it, and soon I saw a ruffling around of the clothes
My tip is, relax, and go with the flow. Gently guide the dream, and know frustration can steer things in a frustrating direction. So you could try, letting go of what you want, let the dream and you relax, then gently try to achieve the result. Anyway, I hope things go well for you, and I know it can be annoying. << See, this fellow can’t even get through the mirror.
Thanks alot Visiondreamz. i think you’ve got a point about expectation issues. its like “i hope my friends will be there always” and that could lead to problems. i also realise that i maybe do things wrong. in an ld i’m always saying “you WILL be there now!” and i really try to force it. I think i will just try and go with the flow and maybe appreciate more the fact that i am in my own created dream! maybe taking for granted the dream and expecting all these things puts a lot of stress on my subconcious making things harder.
In fact just writing this helps me feel that i understand my subconcious a bit more, and i already feel like next time i will be more successful, So thanks again for the great tip!
Perry also dont forget to have other goals at your to do list for lucid dreams.
Because meeting your friends is fine but it will never raise your control about the lucid dream it self, my advise…try some diff goal for now and explore explore explore the lucid dream and make it yours!
Because only from experience and exploring you will gain experience and control over your lds and in your lds. There is so much more to do in a ld that you dont let yourself get into just because of this one frustrating search of yours. do all kind of experiments, feel, taste, smell touch, fly levitate small things…realize your dreaming in a ld not just rational…but with full consciousness etc etc.