Contact between lucid dreamers

I have a question, namely is it possible to make contact with a other lucid dreamer?

For example dreamer A dreams frequently lucid at 7.00 am, dreamer B practice to dream lucid at 7.00 am.

Dreamer A knows B and B knows A. Is it now possible to make contact in the lucid dreamworld and to communicate with each other.

I think this is possible but i don’t have a explanation. Maybe relates this issue with telepathy. Suggestions etc etc.???

I have a question, namely is it possible to make contact with a other lucid dreamer?

For example dreamer A dreams frequently lucid at 7.00 am, dreamer B practice to dream lucid at 7.00 am.

Dreamer A knows B and B knows A. Is it now possible to make lucid contact in the dreamworld and to communicate with each other.

I think this is possible but i don’t have a explanation. Maybe relates this issue with telepathy. Suggestions etc etc.???[lucent=lucid, :shy: ]

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