I have been putting 110% into LDing and have gotten to the point where i have one every couple of weeks. I am excited about the frequency increasing, however, I have been having a really hard time controling my enviornment after i become lucid. Example: i was lucid and this woman was stabbing me. I found this pretty disturbing so i tried to make her disapear…all i could do was make her face disapear which didnt stop her from trying to stab me. I can’t teleport, i can’t make people appear…ect. Any advice on how i can better take charge and have control over the LDs.
Have you tried to talk with annoying DC-s? Ask them, why they do this. They usually turn out pretty friendly and helpful when communicated
It’s pretty normal that you cannot control things like teleportation and summoning people when you are beginner in LD-s. With time you learn bit by bit how to do it with the help of mirrors, elevators, doors, etc.
Basically i believe that it’s possible to reach into state when things will change purely by your verbal command, but you might need to exercise it at first with some things. Like commanding some thing to move into other corner of the room, or similar. When you do it, you basically practice your faith in statement: “In dreams ALL things are possible”. As your faith into it grows, you will be able to control things with more ease. Good luck!
The trick is to know that you can do it.
You will have a hard time controlling, if you have any doubts in your mind. And remember that it is no harder to materialize a feather than materializing a person.
I’m not sure what I could tell you that wouldn’t just stress what Cyrus and Tomas have already said. After several LD’s it will become apparent that things are getting easier and easier… with LOTS of practice, I’m sure you could get to the point of pansophical and god-like power (within your mind that is… the practice of Lucid Dreaming with NOT allow you to take over the world.)