Control Loss?

Hey guys! I’m new to this forum, and I have accidentally achieved lucidity once a couple of years ago. I’m interested in trying again, and I heard that you can use it as a means to face your fears, but I have a tendency to lose control over myself. I tend to do a lot of things sometimes for no apparent reason, and not be aware of it til after its been done. I need to know if there is a lot of will power required to control yourself while in lucidity.

I think that maybe I can confront this fear in my lucid dream, but lose control over the dream, allowing my fear to overcome me and mess around with my subconscious. Is it possible that I might lose control over the dream (maybe because it’s what my subconscious wants) and leave myself in the hands of my fear?

This is a hard one to tackle and I am not sure if i have the right answer for u. The subconscious plays a big role while u r sleeping and therefore things that u think about while in a LD usually come true, that is within the dream world.

Some degreee of control is needed. That is y this site is here. It is used to gain knowledge about LD’s and many aspects to do with general dreams. I wouldn’t be scared though of having a LD. You should be fine since u understand u have this problem and fear and therefore I think u can overcome it. It might take some time, will power and control but if u put in the hard yards u r sure to come out with beneficial results.