After having a restless night where I woke up and couldn’t get to sleep for an hour, I had a few small ludic dreams
The wierd thing was that when I was talking to someone, I could feel myself choosing what they were going to say next. I didn’t command them to ‘say this’ and ‘say that’ and I didn’t think in my head what I wanted them to say, but I felt that I could change what they were going to say before they said it.
Is this normal, because I always thought that dream characters were controlled by your sub conscience, and that you couldn’t really control them.
But anyway, I’ve never had any dreams where I’ve been so aware I had loads of false awakenings, and whenever something not quite right happened, I’d become lucid. I might try this ‘wake up for an hour, then go back to sleep’ method again
I guess it’s all a matter of your level of awareness. Some people naturally have a lot of control in their LDs, some people let the subconcious handle everything. Me, I’ve been having a tough time getting DCs to do what I tell them. Usually, they refuse or just ignore me. Last night, I had a breakthrough and kept reminding myself that it’s my dream and I’m in control. The DCs finally obeyed… but they did it with a reluctant attitude.
My ideal level of awareness would be in between controlling and not controlling, i.e I could command people to do something if I wanted them to, but I couldn’t control everything- otherwise it would feel like I was talking to myself I’d like to be able to have sword fights and stuff without knowing what the person would do next.
I can’t remember what the person was babbling on about. The best way to describe it would be that it was like when you read in a dream, and nothing makes sense and the words change as you read them, and you seem to control what is going to be read next. It was quite wierd
I have created a girl from scratch.
a pile of flesh was suddenly infront of me.
And i used my thoughts to create the look on how she was going to look.
She morphed as i thought about her look.
When she was almost finished i could change the size of the breast and nose etc.
I could also say out loud “I want you to look like pamela andersson” and then the subconsious would takeover and do what i wanted her to look like.
The funny part was when she was done, she was soo stupid hehe.
She was like a goldfish… not very sexy.
Then i sculptured her mind also, how she was going to act etc… how she was like a person so to speak.
That was the most funny part because i really could feel the change in her mind.
And after that i had sex with her