so, the dream goes like this:
i was at work and could see myself, like third-person, not first-person. and, there’s this hot blonde chick who comes up and just starts hitting on me, so we’re talking and Dream-Me turns around to look over his shoulder into Real-Me’s eyes and says to Real-Me “your alarm is about to go off, dont wake up i wanna finish this dream” so the alarm really goes off, and i’m like “how’d you know” or something and tell him i’ll be late for work, and Dream-Me says “just give me ten more minutes, she’s hot” or something like that, so i wait, and then, when ten minutes is up, i ask if i can wake up and Dream-Me says “no, i’m not finished, gimme five more minutes” so i wait five minutes and ask again, he tries to say no, so Real-Me tells Dream-Me, “if you dont let me wake up i’m never gonna fucking dream again” and Dream-Me says “fine, wake up i’ll finish this some other time”
so, i wake up, and i’m 15 minutes late.
now, the weird thing about this is that i NEVER oversleep, i never have. on the first beep of my alarm clock,i turn it off, and sit straight up like i’m startled, every morning. plus, someone i asked about this before said that dream time is different from real time, but i really set my clock for 7 am and really woke up at 7:15 am.
usually, when i dream things, they can be small things or huge things but they end up happening the next day. i dunno how talking to myself in a dream from outside the dream could ever happen in real life. so, this dream has thrown what i’ve known all my life for a loop.
any interpretation, thoughts, anything would be greatly appreciated. thanks.