
Hello everyone, I’m kinda new here. I recently read the lucid dreaming book at Wikibooks. I’ve started keeping a dream journal and have been remembering most of my dreams. In quite a few of them I’ve had conversations with people but I can never remember what was said. I can remember some of the dreams very vividly except for any conversation. Anyone know why I wouldn’t be able to remember what was said or how to improve my dream recall?


I’m the same way. Don’t worry. I think it naturally improves with experience. As long as you can remember the basics of the content of the dialogue, you will continue to develop your retention skills.

yeah, remembering exactly what was said is hard. a good start, I guess, when you wake up from a dream, is to write the dialogue down immediately, when the memory is still fresh.

This is something I quite often don’t have to much trouble with (especially with LD’s).

Some statements just stand out for some reason (eg. ‘You’re not very good at that, are you…?’ my brother drawled after a few more minutes of me trying, and took the door instead.).

Sometimes I can remember whole conversations, or if I can’t, can remember what they basically said (just not the exact words).

Yup, dream dialogue is by far the hardest thing for me to remember in every dream. I can’t really figure out why though. As jumbled as text might be, I still remember what that stuff says, but never conversations.

Same for me. I have quite good dream recall but i almost never remember the dialogues (and there’s always that impression that it was something very important or some incredible answer about the existence, you know… :roll: )

anyway, I only had 3 LDs and the quality of lucidity is increasing impressevly every time, i hope it continues that way. :grin: