cool movie--slapdash 2

its made with a game but its hailed as one of the best gmod (the game it was made with) games ever…drama,action,comedy…in short it ROCKS!! :cool: …the only problem is the filesize is massive and they walk like the team america characters…which can take away some of the seriosness sometimes
this guy…“Tom” gets killed in the first one (i didnt really get the first one)…and thats all you need to know :tongue: because the rest explains itself…listen carefully coz it can be hard to tell what theyre saying at times…watch it and find out for yourselves :smile: :cool:
you’ll need divx to play it
p.s…this is my first attachment and it might be too big…so bear with me if its not there

p.p.s i have to go get the site so i can link it…hang in there folks!!..its well worth the wait

EDIT: heres the high quality version … einfo.html
and the low quality … einfo.html
it might take anything up to 4 hours to dl…it took 2 or 3 hours with me BUT it is worth the wait…just go do something else while it downloads

soo?..what do you think of it?..if anyone has actaully clicked the link and waited for it to download yet lol

Ah, so it was made with Garry’s Mod for Half-Life 2? Sounds interesting. I can’t download it just now, but I’ll check it out later tonight. Thanks for the link.

do you have gmod atheist?..wel obviosly…i mean i can never log into the freinds network so maybe we could build sometime?

Sure, sounds like fun. The only problem is that I’m in Australia, so it could be difficult to arrange a convenient time. Plus, we’d get about 300 ms ping, which could make the experience fairly laggy. Still, I’m up for it. I don’t really use any IM clients (such as MSN, or AIM), but I’m often in the LD4All chatroom, so that may be the best place to organise it.

hmmm…yeah lag would prolly be a problem…but back on topic…anyone seen it yet?

i know this forum has a tendency to be as quiet as a…a…real…quiet thing…but at least tell what you think before this thread dies after a pointless life…think of the threads life…YOU can save it!!