I went to bed at about 10:00pm with the intention of LDing that night. I fell asleep fairly quickly as I was tired, and didn’t get to WILD as planed. My brother came home at around midnight and woke me up. I decided to get up and check my phone for any messages. As I tried to get up I felt that my body was not moving but I was lose in the astral body. At first I was like ‘damn it I want to wake up and check my phone’ but I soon reasoned that it is a perfect chance to try and bounce out of my body. I pulled on my astral body forcing it up some more, it actually felt like I was pushing my real body down. I gave up on pulling after a little while. And everything started spinning in a clockwise motion. Faster and faster and faster. I decided to try and sit up while spinning and suddenly like blinking my eyes I was astral. I slide around to the side of my bed and try to stand up… something s wrong I can not feel the ground I am floating around kind of wobbleing. I look down and actually I don’t have any feet or legs. Interesting. I approach my bedroom door to open it and go outside. I decide I better do a reality check just to make sure. I try the nose plug. And it works like a charm. Breathing through my ears always feels funny lol. I open the door and sure enough the room outside is completely different .
Just thought I would share that becuase it was a cool experience
Just reading about it was awesome… I’ve experienced something similar quite a few times… These are great, because you can’t fail with this body sensations if you know what you are doing…
Well, in astral, body is just our mental connection to physical form, you know that you don’t need actually a body in astral…