I know this methods have been talked alot in this forum for ages, but I just want to know if the way Im doing its the right way…
MILD = wake up after 5-6 hours of sleep, stay up for a while until you are not too sleepy, and go back to bed while repeating over and over that next time Im dreaming Ill know Im dreaming, and thinking that Im in the Lucid Dream, repeating that until i enter an LD.
WILD = wake up after 5-6 hours of sleep, say up until you are not sleepy, then go back to bed and try to stay awake as much as you can, like counting your heartbeath, the breath, or music. until you start seeing hypnagogic imagery and all the weird stuff supposed to happen durring a WILD, try to think logic durring all that time until you enter an LD.
ok those are the only 2 I need to know about, if Im right please tell me, but if you have anything else you want to add, please do.
Almost right, but it’s the other way around. The MILD stands for Mnemonically from memory) Induced Lucid Dreaming, meaning remembering to become lucid. The W in WILD stands for Waking.
These are the definitions as LaBerge, the guy who invented these methods, gives them:
MILD: Remembering your last dream, but this time imagining becoming lucid at a certain point, and imagining what you’d do then.
For instance: You’ve woken up from dreaming of being on a boat. You imagine that boat, and say to yourself: i’m going to dream that I’m on that boat again, and when I do I’ll know it’s a dream and this time I’ll jump in the ocean and swim. That is the image you go over and over again untill you fall asleep. Just that one thought of becoming lucid at that point and doing something you want to do. Keep coming back to that one thought until you are asleep.
WILD: While falling asleep, you stay conscious. Meaning: you keep obeserving your hypnagogic imagery, or heartbeat or whatever will help you stay concentrated and ‘awake’ while your body falls asleep. This method usually only works at the end of your night’s sleep, when you take an afetrnoon nap, or when you’ve stayed up for a long time: those are the only times when you go straight from waking into dreaming without deep dreamless sleep in between.
So in both cases setting the alarm early and then going back to sleep in an excellent idea. But you can do MILD really at anytime before going to sleep.
Both methods work better with a lot of practice, and in both cases it’s best not to want it too hard, otherwise you’ll get frustrated if you don’t get it right. Just keep relaxing concentrating. it may take a few weeks. It took me 2 months of practice to get my first one, and it happened by MILD-ing and reality checks. Good Luck.
Agree- Mild is not the technique thats requires waking up and going back to bed.It is done on the evenings before going to sleep.
Wild has some variations- sometimes you just keep repeating"next scene i see is a dream"(like in mild actually),and some people has enough skills to enter the dream conciously-using the hypnagogics and keeping the right balance between them and real world they able to notice the process of falling asleep and then finding themselves in a dream scenery they made by hypnagogics-without “blacking out”.It often leads to Obes but the tech would be slight different.
right… that thing of waking up earlier, staying up until you aren’t sleepy anymore and then going back to bed is more like NILD = Nape Induced Lucid Dreaming
ok, thanks for the corrections now It all makes sense
I guess Ill be trying both, even though Ive never had success with WILD… only with MILD once, but that was so long ago I dont remember how I did it… hehe all the other ones Ive had have been natural… but very few… and not that good… that MILD one was awesome!
Hmm. WILD is Lucid Dream which has started when you are still awake.
MILD is just a technique, which will allow you get DILD (Dream Initiated Lucid Dream) or WILD (Wake Inititiated Lucid Dream).
You can use NILD with MILD to get WILD.
Is that clear, or not?