Corruption at its best, Howard Stern (King of Media)

Howdy, I had to post this, because I am a huge fan of Howard Stern, not only that he made history, but also entertain, involved, introduced, and argued his way of life till this day. Since he ever started, he’s been on the FCC most wanted list, so his whole career has been rejected by nonsense, especially this last year since the Janet Jackson dispute. Well he actually had the opportunity to talk to the person that has been strangling his ideas and show. This guy has been avoiding him forever, and Howard even makes note of this, well the point of this thread is to give you an honest opinion of someone that has brought greatness (to me) and trouble to others and the interview to tells it all. I will quote the site to give you an idea of what i am talking about.

I will give the link to this great interview, and if you like Howard or not, you can give your own point of view and opinion based off the past and this conversation. To me this was gold; give me your thoughts, comments, and opinions based on Howard and the issue. I would love to talk about this :grin:

Here’s the link, my your thoughts

We still have freedom of speech, you just have to pay for it. :grin:

Howard is coming live an uncensored to Sirius Satellite radio,

I have Sirius, and let me tell you … THEY DON’T HAVE ANY CENSORS. Anything goes. One channel even explained methods oh how to kill men with your bare hands. … and … well … other stuff that is not appropriate for ld4all. :smile:
Some channels of Sirius are freely available as online audio streams. :smile: From those channels you can get a taste of the AWESOME programming they have.
God bless satellite radio and it’s freedom to broadcast as they wish. :content: and NO commercials! yay! :thumbs:

I wanted to get an XM satellite radio because it has “Coast to Coast Am / Art Bell’s show” on it … and sirius doesn’t. :sad: I may have to get both, but Sirius is MUCH more free, open, and has better on-air personalities, and programs.
I think Eminem has a new channel debuting tomorrow. eck, I don’t really care, but he does. :smile: I’m tuning into hear what he has to say uncensored! :happy:

Howard Stern Rocks… :ok:

I don’t listen to Stern. Mainly because he is not on here in Iowa. But Mancow is and I listen every day. Its crazy that this country is having such a war on words.

I am happy that Stern is going to be moving to satalite radio, and I think Mancow is going to make that move sometime in the future also.

I don’t know what the future holds. I remember about five years ago, Mancow could say anything he wanted on the radio. And no one really came down on him. And then all the sudden this year, after the FCC got permission to raise the fines considerably, they go after Mancow.

Its weird that the FCC doesn’t go after NASCAR, Shaq, or U2. All which has cussed on national television, either on weekends or during prime time. Which kids are much much much more likely to be viewing rather than hearing the radio at 9:00 A.M. when they should be either in school, or asleep for the most part.

The funny thing is about the whole fine business. Is that there has never been any claim of a child being damaged in any way. The people saying they don’t want their children to hear this stuff are the ones actually making these complaints.

I really don’t mind turning radio into a product like television where you can block some stuff out. It sounds like a great idea, and the people who are willing to listen can do so in peace.

This means a little extra out of our pockets, but I think if you like Stern or Mancow that much, it might be worth it. I don’t know if I would pay for it. I guess it all depends on how financially stable I am if it ever happens.

I think someone needs to fight the FCC for the most part. Its outragious that they are the ones that are deciding what we can see and hear.