could lucid dreaming effect the amount of energy you get?

After i woke up after my first LD i was soooo refreshed like never before!!!
but that was in the middle of the night— so i need more Lds-- I will HAVe one tonight!!! for sure and i’ll post — we should do an experiment and record how wel feel after an LD. and make sure to record the food we eat before going off to sleep.
lol i never do experiments but will try this one~

Love TO ALL :content:

:smile: I always feel super energized as well after a LD. :bounce: But I will pay closer attention next time and also pay attention to what I ate the night before. I should list what I eat in my DJ. :write:

me too. But many times, when I become lucid I feel totally tired and I really don’t have energy enough to control the dream so I have to let go. It happens in the middle of the night but when I dream lucid in the early morning, it’s easier