Could this have been my spirit guide?

Ok, this was not an LD. I was dreaming that I were at my grandmas place, and I was trying to find someone in the house, some dangerous guy (I don`t remember why…) I had some sort of wooden pipe holding in my hand in case he would show up and attack me. For some reason I started to hit the furnitures in case he was in disguice or something, it was very weird.

Then in the hallway on 2nd floor he suddenly runs up the stairs, and turn around to find me. He had blonde hair, glasses, and had a dorky orange jogging-sweater and blue pants. I was scared, and woke up after some seconds.

Even though I was in a scary situation, he was very easy to describe, and furthermore he had a weird outlook. Could this have been my spirit guide?

If you want him to be; it’s really as simple as that. :wink:

Hm, could you explain it more? I thought a spirit guid was a representation of yourself, and that you couldn`t decide how it should look because its the same being everytime you met it.

sounds like just normal DC

If you felt that he may have been you spirit guide, then maybe he was. Only you can know for sure, though. Maybe you can try to get in touch with him again in a LD, and just flat out ask him if he is your spirit guide. I don’t know very much about spirit guides, but I do know they tend to tell the truth when you ask them about something.

Why do you think he should have been your SG?

It was probably the emotions that Childhood felt in the dream to come to believe this.

That’s a Dream Guide.

To me a Spirit Guide is a ‘real’ being who guides you through life. While they can be found in dreams, it would be hard to decide whether or not is was truely an SG or a DC.

That’s my beliefs and experiences.

If Childhood thinks its his Spirit Guide, well then it’s his spirit guide! Whatever Childhood chooses to believe is correct. If he wants ideas of what he should believe, then that’s another thing. But right now, I don’t think Childhood fully understands that everything is up to him.

I don’t think you can tell if it was your SG until you see him several times. IMHO it’s best to leave your mind open to either possibility. If it turns out to be your SG then you should be excited because imagine the conversations you’ll have. If it turns out that it was just a normal DG then you should be excited because you’ll still have the adventure of meeting your SG for the first time. It’s a win/win.

DG and SG? They are one and the same to me.

I don’t. I’ve contact you’re spirit guide through meditation and other methods while awake.

A DG us just a DG.

if you felt he was your spirit guide then maybe he is… to me it sounds like just and ordinary DC… why exactly do you feel he is your spirit guide?

I personally wouldnt trust anything to be a spirit guide unless it randomly manifested itself in a lucid dream and acted 100% different than a normal dream character.

If your trying to find a spirit guide, something will appear because your expecting it to, and therefor its probably just a normal dream character.

It sounds like your describing an ordinary DC to me.

The definition for DG and SG on LD4all are exactly the same. We don’t all have to believe the same thing about lucid dreaming. Why does everyone seem to forget there are no rules in the dream world?

But you were not the one with the dream. You do not know the emotions that came from it. You do know how strange or random dreams can be.

Arigoth: You seem to be trying to cause an argument. At the end of the day those deffinitions are just another persons beliefs at the time the deffinitions were made. They aren’t official, they aren’t scientific fact, they are oppinion.

Everyone in this thread has given there oppinion to “childhood” you have tried to suggest that everyone else is wrong and your oppinion is the only one that matters. By constantly bringing up the same thing, over and over. Don’t you feel the first time was enough?

And as I stated above, my believes came from experiences while awake, not just asleep, also bare in mind that my second post was direct at you not the thread starter.

In a response to VOR2’s post, I gave you my oppinion and you make this post, hounding me about different beliefs. Then hounded “Am I dreaming” for posting his oppinion, again trying to suggest you know more, you are right. “Childhood” wrote this thread ASKING for oppinions of other dreamers and you just keep trying to counter everyone elses point of view.

Heed your OWN words:

and quit hounding people who posts their oppinion.

maybe… MY NAME IS NOT ARIGOTH, thx. :neutral:


You should point out what lead you to this conclusion.

I have no idea what you meant by your post:

Yes, a DG is just a DG, but I myself don’t care to ponder about the implications or differences of DG and SG. I’d rather them be one and the same, this is how my dreams will play out since this is what I choose to believe. You believe differently; that doesn’t affect my dreams. This is my point. One person’s experiences in the dream world can have nothing to do with anyone elses. My friend told me that he goes to a world in which his dreams are clearest and said that you can only have the clearest dreams while you are here. He was speaking as if no one can have such clear dreams if you are not in this dream world location. This is obviously ridiculous.

Darkmatter, you possibly got confused about the above post. This is because I could not understand how you could tell someone what to believe about their dreams with so little to draw a conclusion from. Like I said, you did not have the dream, yet I feel you speak as if there is no denying what you have concluded.

lol. You wanted to beat your SG with a wooden pipe? Isn’t there already a topic about killing your Spirit Guide? :happy: