so my last LD was so awesome. I took a nap, then when going back to sleep (btw, naps are HUUUUUUUGE! and brings your chances to become Lucid in a dream to at least a 70%), went back to sleep, and became lucid. I was talking to someone laying down and then guess where I was when I looked in front? a mountain with snow. I guess I was sitting on the opposite mountain, and the one staring back at me was very tall and filled with snow. it was a white and grey mountain. then I looked up and only saw whiteness like fog. I got scared for a moment because I started thinking of avalanche and 2012 apocalypse I been seeing in the media around the 2012 year. so i ejected and woke up.
the experience was so amazing that I WANT TO GO BACK! matter of fact, I was lucid for a while, and felt like I was going to be lucid for a while. I didn’t struggle to remain in the dream like I normally do, and I myself ended the experience. never happened before. this only happened when I OBEed since I got terrified half the time. but with LDs, I never had bad thoughts and things are always familiar since they are just dreams.
anyway, did you ever go back into your old LD before? because in my next LD, my 2nd goal would be to find this mountain I was on again. If I don’t, I won’t stop searching.
Moved from Quest for Lucidity