Crazy Clocks

lol, it’s not an ability. most people feel this type of thing all the time.

I always seem to look at the clock when it’s 7:27 which is my area code.

you probably look at clocks all the time, you just never consciously realize it unless you see the same digits, which makes you think that you have some sort of special esp. it’s like how i always feel like i beat the rush when i go someplace to eat, but really i probably just don’t remember the times that i was caught in the rush, because all i was thinking about was how crappy it was.

And for the record, i definately remember you or somebody else posting pretty much this exact same topic. So i hope that i’ve answered your question so that you don’t continue to get people like me to spend time explaining a mundane non-existant “ability”

heres the other topic. do a search next time. … arm+clocks

That’s because we have inner clocks in ourselves.
That’s why waking by auto-suggestion works in the first place.

But still, it’s interesting.
When I look at the clock, the digits are always random.

Try to guess the time instead of looking at the clock, and see what happens…just out of curiosity.

Thanks for the reply

I believe this is an ability, some kind of ESP. I can tell you this right now… Throughout the whole day when I look at clocks. the digits are always the same. Since I have been able to do this which was about 5 years now. I have payed special attention to this ability and have counted how many times I look at a clock and taken extra special care and notice to when I see a clock reading as being random. Further to this I try to reinforce and make sure I remember and take note if I see random digits when I look at a clock. But you know the funny thing is throughout the day, on every day whenever I look at a clock it’s never random. Like I have said previously, it’s always the same digits every day, 365 days a year, every year. If that’s not an ability then that’s definitely a very strange experience. I used to get a lot of Deja VU, nowadays the Deja Vu isn’t as frequent. When I see the same digits I get a feeling similar to Deja VU.

I have another ability which happens every night, when I am lying in bed I will think about something and the next day I would see it on TV. Other times I would dream of something and then see it on TV and this happens several times a week.

Last night I was thinking about things while I was falling asleep, I just got this random thought of Christopher Walken and then went to sleep. Today at just the right time I walked past my living room and saw the TV playing a movie with a scene with Christopher Walken in it. Very strange experience.

When i LD and use a clock as a reality check, the minute hand usually either falls off or ends up a few feet away from the clock on the wall lol

sometimes i wake up to the same exact time for three days at a time if that counts :smile: