Some time this morning I just decided that I would try going through a mirror when I woke up. I don’t know why I did but I did. So I woke up, I knew I was up, I didn’t expect it to work. So I started pushing and at first it didn’t work but then a few seconds later it did. Normally when I go lucid I normally have some sign that its a dream but this one had nothing, so I was so surpised.
The dream didn’t last to long and I woke up. I forgot what I did but it I ended up noticing it was a false awakening too and I soon woke up again. After that I pretty much knew I had to really be awake but I wanted to make sure so I tried going through a mirror again, and it worked! I started going through and everything turned white but then it pushed me back out.
In the back of my mind I knew it was a dream but this time I was so sure I had been awake(and still thought I was) that I started to get really scared. So I tried to wake up and I was in another false awakening but I noticed the time was different(it was an hour off the time from the other dream) so I knew I was dreaming. At that point I said, forget the mirror I don’t want to know if I am dreaming or not.
So then I woke up and told someone about the weird dreams, and they thought it was really crazy and all. Of course that was a dream too. I never noticed it however so then next time I woke up it really was real. Looking back at it, in none of the dreams was I in my room of the house I am living in now. Even with that though, I was so sure I was awake in all of them.