Create a house or room

In an Imagination workshop I was at we used some relaxation techniques and one of them was to build a house or room in our minds.
The idea was to keep going there from time to time and remembering how it looked like. Starting off with a few items (pictures on the wall etc.) and eventually creating a whole house or room… even the garden.

Could you make something like that in your dream? Could you keep going to the place in your dream? Does it always look the same or does it change by itself?

I can go to the place in my mind while i’m awake… but could never find it in my LDs

well it is one of my goals to create a floating island above a river and a water fall in the woods. on the island will be a mansion or a castle on it with trees around it and maybe a mountain behind it. this is a big goal but yes i have read it is posible to create settings such as these i dont know if u can revisit them or have to recreate them. although i plan to start small and find out.

I know it’s possible to incubate dreams. So if you wanted to go to a particular location or this house for example, it would probably be best to concentrate on this house before going to sleep with the intention of going there in your dreams. I can’t speak from experience though, maybe others who have done this before can explain better :content: From what I know though, it should be easier for you to get there considering you have already developed this house in your mind so you have a good target to aim for rather than a vague idea.

I think it would be awesome to have a consistent place you could visit in your dreams though, a home away from home if you like :tongue:

aside from talking to dc’s and trying to contact my sg. i will be geting my creation skill and summoning skill up. i turned water into grass it was easy all i did was wave my hand over the part of water i wanted to be grass and said grass and there it was. after that though i got distracted so was not able to see my sg or create any thing else. i will master this as i did flying.

I so want to make one of these! I guess that I have a lucid dreaming airship, except it changes. As in, in one dream it’ll be a galleon made out of stormclouds, and in another it will be… a barely-inflated raft tied to a lonely party balloon. :bored:

Storm cloud galleon sounds awesome :happy:

Always wished I could ride on top of clouds or even just walk on them, a vehicle/building made of them would be amazing! definitely going on my LD to do list :smile:

A relaxation technique I was doing for awhile had something to do with building a house or room in your mind.
Eventually you get good at seeing everything… you know where everything is and you start to add more and more to it.

Never found the room in a ND or LD yet… but I could imagine after a lot of practice that it’s possible.