Hello folks ^^ Since I’m new to lucid dreaming, then of course I got a few questions regarding it, and here’s one of them:
So I’ve just discovered this lovely site after wanting to learn how to become lucid in dreams. I’ve already had my first lucid dream, it happened some months ago, but what I experienced during that dream is nothing of importance…høhø x) But what I can tell is that I became too excited and woke up even before a minute had passed…I know, beginners problem. I got a bit depressed by this end and stopped trying, until today!
After encouraging myself, I’ve gain the will to try once more, because I believe, and KNOW, only by the brief momemt I actually were lucid in my dream, that the reward will be far beyond the efforts it takes to make it happen.
Anyway, now that I’ve been blathering about stuff I don’t know why I said, I just felt like saying it…I will ask the question that is the purpose of this thread:
I’ve been pondering about this for quite a while, and with not having the skills to test it out (yet), I hope that by asking you, I will think of this no more.
Lets say I’m in a world I’ve just created, and start to do…whatever I feel doing, and then I suddenly wake up from it…(and here comes the question!): Is it possible, by the next time I’m having a lucid dream, to start off where I in the first lucid dream woke up from? As if I can just continue doing whatever I did in my first lucid dream, in the same world I were in?
You can think of it as having a second life, only that you’re living this life in your dreams…and since you can’t stay in the dream forever, maybe you can continue it the next you’re having one.
Hope it didn’t cost you too much confusion, I’m not really good in explaining things xD I can still try explaining it in another way though, if you really found this confusing…