Creating your lucid dream

During the years I have known about lucid dreams I have only had one lucid dream. I came to a conclusion on why this is. When I am dreaming I often feel a force, this force is that I am being bullied into dreaming normal even though my dream signs clearly signify that I am dreaming.

I then came up with an idea to create a lucid dream for myself in my dream journal, detailing it as much, and thinking about this desire written down before I go to bed, visualizing and keep it tucked away until I realize I am dreaming.

Has writing down your dream plans worked for anyone in this forum? Has anyone tried it?

You might enjoy Tosx’s experiment on “beyond impossible” goals incubation. :wink:

6 years and only one lucid dream… :crying: Have you tried this technique yet? It’s a much different mind-set – give it a week or two and see if it works for 'ya. Might help to repeat in your head “I will not move when I awaken” as you drift off to sleep (you tend to wake up thinking what you fell asleep thinking).

Anyway, back on topic – I have tried planning out dreams like that and writing them down in advance, but it hasn’t (noticeably) helped.