i’m kind of new to this lucidity thing. I’ve had lucid moments since i was about fourteen, but no real lucid dreams. so i’ve been working on it and i’ve had a few lucid dreams and i’m working on my control.
this morning i became lucid in a dream. the dream started to get blurry so i yelled out “increase visuals” because i had read somewhere that that works for some people. as soon as i did there was a very distinct and clear male voice that said “aught, aught, augh” like a mother would say to a child that was about to do something wrong. it was rather eerie.
also i wanted to change the scene into a warm tropical scene. so i spun around a couple times and thought of it and when i stopped the scene had changed into a cold icy and baren scene.
what’s wrong with me? what am i doing wrong? and what on earth was that voice? has anyone experienced something like that before? it’s got me a little worked up this morning.
Hmmmm. Let’s see. You try to increase lucitidy, you get corrected by a voice, you try to change to a scene and get the exact opposite. There is nothing wrong with you. You did all the things you are supposed to do. But, ask yourself this; do you have any doubts? These doubts(is you have them) could be manifesting into the things in the dream which you could not control. This may or may not be the case. This is just my opinion.
yeah that could be it as far as the scene changing goes but the voice seemed like something different. it seemed like someting outside of myself. it was really odd. it’s got me all mixed up inside and kind of nervous to have a lucid dream again.
thank you for your advice becuase that is what i was kind of thinking too and now i can be more sure. i will try and work on it and hopefully i can expand my control a little. thank you for your response it was very helpful and it makes a lot of sense.
Your welcome. I’m always glad to be able to help someone. Next time you hear this “voice”, ask it to show itself. If it doesn’t, force it to leave your dream.
it’s possible that you are not allowed to be this Lucid at this time in your life.
a friend of mine told me once when i was trying to AP and couldn’t that sometimes you are not allowed to do so and this was the reason. So maybe it’s possible that it’s the same thing.
Are you stressed? Stress often plays big parts in your dreams, many people often have more bad dreams when stressed. I don’t see any reason why this wouldn’t be different in a Lucid Dream.
It could simply be that you are so stressed because things aren’t happening how you want them to or need them to that it is manifesting even in your LDs and you get the opposite result of what you want.
Try this next time.
Try for the beach and if you get the cold barren place think about wanting to be at the cold barren place and see what happens. Can’t hurt to try.
there’s also the possibility that you weren’t actually LDing You may have been dreaming that you were having a LD.