crossovers into RL

Ok, I’m fairly new at realizing I’m not alone out there with all this, so hopefully my terminology is OK.
Here’s my problem. I have Lucid dreams, although I never realized I had that much control (somehting to consider tonight) and when my alarm clock goes off in RL, I hear it in the LD and often me and a DC look at each other and they usually tell me its something else. usually a bomb. And they tell me to diabale it in “that” dimension ( RL ) and return to the " real " world ( LD ) I wake up for a second tkaing in very little of the real wordl, and i unplug my clock or break it or something, and return to where I was. I know it’s a dream, but my DC’s tend to convince me that it is more important and more real than real life, so now my attendanc erecords at work are crappy, and my alarm clocks are constantly being replaced. What can I do to help stop them from convincing me to stay? When I’m in there, I have control over where I go, what I do, and I know its a dream. I just never realized how far I could stretch it. One time, I remmerbed the real world, and told them I had to go, so they let me get up and get ready and go to work for about three hours, only to have me wake up again to a phone call from a very angry manager wondering where I was. I told him I could swear I was alrady there, so he drug tested me and wrote me up. No one seems to understand this problem. it goes above and beyond just “sleeping in”

It would probably be a good idea to place your alarm clock well away from your bed… so you have to wake up and get out of bed when turning it off… you can’t just stop it while half asleep.

that is just a false awakening these are very common … the only thing you can do is to do a reality check every time you wake up. This way you will be able to make sure that you really are awake.

thank you. Yeah, Reality Checks are going to have to become a habit. I once slept through a date thinking I was on it. Once I’m down, I can sleep for 15 + hours. Also, as a general post - thank god for this site. now that I know I have infinite powers in my dreams, I no longer waste them onreality based stuff like food and cars. last night, I flew for the first time, and I made myself a pet elphant out of clay that I can ride now. Hopefully that can be one of those things that stays on later. sometimes my dreams become very serial… I can pick up where I left off.

you may consider starting a dream journal in our dream diary forum… I would love to read about your nightly adventures :smile:

Reading this has just reminded me of a dream I had a while ago and the more I think about it the more it might have been an LD. I remember waking up, getting out of bed to my alarm clock, having a wash and brushing my teeth. I then remember getting changed into my clothes, sorting all of my coursework out for the day at college ahead of me and then watching some tv for a while.

It even went as far as my friend picking me up in his car and taking me to college. I remember not particularly thinking this is a dream, but I remember actually thinking within the dream (somethine which I don’t usually do, it’s like I’m unable to control my actions in dreams) and I remember actually thinking about the situation I’m in and even at one point saying to myself how tired I feel.

I then woke up again in bed to my alarm clock. It was really weird and I remember checking to see if I was still dreaming. Then I was really mad because it meant I had to crawl out of my nice warm bed again!

Theseus that was not a LD (you did not know you were dreaming did you) but a FA.

oh I know what you’re talking about–it happens to me as well, and I SWEAR I thought I was really awake and going to work too. I have a lot of dreams within dreams within dreams within dreams when I LD–and I find that when they pile on top of each other like that, it is harder and harder to realize the difference between really being awake and just thinking you are. I always wake up confused when it happens, and have to verify with people if things really happend or not (I mean in reality). It gets confusing even typing it! I reccommend at least 2 alarm clocks, one where you actually have to get up to turn off. I can never trust dream characters–because really, they’re all in my head.