Crystals, and good luck charms charging

Ive heard its good to charge your crystals in the sun, and on full moon nights, does the same work for a goodluck charm. Allso is there away to somehow charge it for dreaming?

It depends on the type of good luck charm. If it’s wood, try adding lavender oil and charging it using moonlight. If it’s metal, I’m not sure what to do. If it’s crystal, charge it in moonlight. Try putting the charm near or on something you associate with lucid dreaming to charge it for dreaming or near or on your dream journal for dream recall. :moon:

You can charge crystals and good luck charms? How? I’ve never heard of this before!

I learned a good method for charging. You just hold the object in your hand, and meditate on whatever type of energy you want in it. Visualise a light coming down, and going into it. It would allso help to listen to some type of music while doing so. So if you want say a charm for dreaming… Hold it in your hand, and visualize a white light of dream energy coming into your hand onto the charm. Now I beleive if you beleive it will work. Even if it is only a plazebo effect it will work.

When I charged my charm which is a chinese symbole that stands for long life I listen to this while holding it in my hand … re=related the tone 528 HZ is the tone of healing, love, and miricales so if you want to charge it with healing listen to this. I was going to charge it with fortune, and money, but I thought it would be going aginst what it was ment for so I decided not to.

i don’t believe there’s some sort of magic attached to crystals yet i think they work for dreaming because of the placebo-effect. I tried once with a crystal i bought in italy and which i really thought was beautiful, i tried to make my self believe(/wished) that it would help me dream and i had improved dream recall.