CyberD's CALD Guide & FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I tried this technique but my characters never show up. Is there something wrong?
A: Some people do not see their character often, or at all. That’s fine-- In most scenarios when using CALD Talon (the creator of CALD) would rarely see her character right away, but summon them later. Sometimes, people have NDs with characters they had created IWL showing up. In some cases, the characters show up and urge the user to do a reality check. It all really varies from person to person.

Q: What should my character be like, I can’t think of anything?
A: Check out some of the characters created by other forum members. Looking at Character Chats in the playground may give you an idea. This is CyberD’s profile of his character, Nova.

Q: Should I talk to my character more often?
A: It does not matter how much you talk to your character. Some will only talk to their character when they are in bed, others will have their character go everywhere with them. You can make your character as intrusive or passive as you like.

Q: Can I talk to my character about the fact they are a character?
A: Of course you can! There is no need to hide anything from them. It may be best that your character knows what they are.

Q: Can I have more than one character?
A: You can have as many characters as you like. The more you have, the more work you will need to put into maintain them. Before creating a new character, take some time to decide if having another will help you.

Q: My character is perfect. Is this bad?
A: Not at all, your character can be as flawed or perfect as you want them to be. Since they exist only in your mind, it does not matter how perfect they are. Would you rather spend time with an ideal character or one who has flaws just for the sake of it? Unlike writing, no one else is going to judge your character.

Q: My character agrees completely with everything. Is that bad?
A: It is only as bad as you think. Remember, your character is a part of you and may feel the same as you. Creating conflict for the sake of it will get you nowhere. If you really want your character to disagree, try finding something you do not have a strong opinion about and debating with them. This can be a good way to build your character and your communication!

Q: Can my character disappear or die?
A: Yes. Sometimes character’s may leave and disappear into the world you created for them. This could be unannounced, or they might tell you before they do. If you do not want them to go, be sure to tell them. You could also look for them in a dream. A character can only die if you believe they can, and if it does happen it will probably happen in a dream. You could avoid this by making your character an immortal. If somehow your character is killed, then you could bring them back to life during a dream or by asking another character to do it for you.

Q: What is the practical use of CALD?
A: Characters can be a means of communication, with other users having characters, it can be a key to talking with others-- Talon personally had characters act as internal alarms, gateways into lucidity, and reminders for reality checks-- When she was younger, she also used this system from remembering certain facts and dates for tests. Treating it like a second memory has been personally useful.

Q: What about the recreational use?
A: It’s fun to interact with characters, as it tests a creative aspect of your mind to create, and develop your own character. Interacting with other people, and seeing what they have created, for some, is enjoyable as well. They can be inspirations for drawing, poetry, and stories. Well developed characters, as well as realistic character interactions are important for more involving stories.

Q: What else can I use my character for?
A: Anything you can think of! Talking with your character can help sort your thoughts or troubles. You can use them as inspiration when doing anything creative, or even ask them for their opposition of things. Your character can be as useful in everyday life as you want them to be.

Q: Does CALD have anything to do with schizophrenia?
A: This question is why some people avoid CALD. Generally, society defines anyone who hears and responds to voices in their heads as crazy. The biggest and most important difference between someone who suffers a condition like Schizophrenia and someone who uses CALD is clear this: The person using CALD understands that the voices and characters are not real. So long as you do not talk to your character aloud in public, then you will have no problem. Just be sure to remember your character is only a character for helping with lucid dreaming, and is not and cannot ever be physical and real.

You will find that by having a character you become more aware of yourself and who you are. Spending time inside your head and separating your thoughts to personify your character in real time, can help you better understand yourself.