Ah, yes, then what I have suggested for strengthening MILD may not work for you. It took me a while to identify my dream signs, and they change over time, but I suppose some people don’t have them.
Oh, I’m not suggesting one think about dreams as often as I do or in the ways that I do, I’m just…obsessed? With my dreams?
I do think it’s good to think about what you want to do in your dreams, like setting intentions and goals as you say, that way you have a plan for when you’re lucid and have something to strive for.
Thinking about dreams I’ve had is important in my relationship with my dreams because I am into dream interpretation. If you want to interpret your dreams then obviously I’d recommend reviewing your past dreams.
I can think of a few other reasons to revisit past dreams though. You can reread dreams you enjoyed or ones you’re proud of to boost motivation. You could dig through and look for dream signs. You can read dreams in which you missed lucid opportunities and think of how you might have responded to become lucid (challenge your mindset).