dairy food and dreams

this is going to be stupid but some where i herd that dairy food could help u dream better but u forgot cuz im stupid so if u know will u plz tell me

yeah… I think I’ve heard about dairy foods helping with dreams. Eating cheese at night is supposed to give you nightmares - an old wives tale. Maybe there’s some truth to it… could be that some of the components of dairy products (proteins and lipids, i guess), help in the induction of vivid dreams. It’s possible that the ‘nightmare’ thing, is simply founded on belief - if you think you’re going to have a nighmare, you will.
Urgh… placebo effect? I don’t have any scientific evidence to substantiate my claims, but i’d guess your body breaks down the masses of proteins into amino acids, which are used to make various chemicals, which help to induce vivid dreams.

Sorry… I’m tired when posting, again … and for being so longwinded :smile:

Well if cheese really can give you nightmares, why not combine it with a heap of oily fish?? Oily fish enhancs brain function and the nutrients found in it can aid LDing. :wink:

sorry it took so long for me to post i dont come here alot so i better wach put cuz im like itlian and i like chesse alot but i harldy eat so i guess i dont have to worry

im 1/8 iltan not all

food containing B12 and B6 vitamins is very good for more vivid dreaming. I myself eats alot of eggs. If you go to the dreaming faq at home.no/lucid/dream-faq.txt and take a lok at 1.5 you will find alot of info.
btw. home.no/lucid/ is a recommended webplace to take a look at.

When I was little I always ate a piece of cheese before I went to sleep and I had total control of my dream :gni: [/i]

So… uh… What kind of “cheese” was this? :content:

It doesn’t matter what type of cheese it was since it was the lactose in the cheese that had the effect. So long as it’s real cheese, it should have the same effect.


Lactose is difficult to digest and it is even more difficult to digest when one is sleeping. The extra energy required for digestion likely increases REM activity.

Cool…I’ll try that tonight!!
I might add that B-Vitamins are really enchancing the dream recall …sometimes I take Vitamin B pills +10 mg Ginkgo biloba which increases the bloodflow in the brain :grin:

Ok, let’s add all together:

Vitamin B6+12 for a better dream recall
Ginkgo Biloba for more vividness
Cheese (lactose) to prolong the REM cycle

Problem: I always get headaches from Vitamin B pills!

The cheese trick works great! But be carefull, It can easily cause heavy nightmares…I nomaly don’t get nightmares…maybe 1 or two in a year…but with cheese… :blush:

I got serious gastrointestinal upset after downing a huge glass of milk before bed. :sad: no fun. But I did have some cool dreams. :smile:

Milk in large portions (some may argue in any portions) is bad for you because it is basic (it has a ph that is greater than water). It will disrupt your gastrointestinal system because of this, and it is also the reason that people will throw up if they drink a lot at once. I don’t reccomend consuming dairy products in general…

It’s alkaline, yes. But do you recommend against oranges? They are really acidic. Milk has calcium, oranges have vitamin c.

Well, I guess I’m pretty libertarian, so it always scares me a little when somebody says not to eat a certain thing ‘for health reasons.’ Pardon my paranoia, but the hyperconservatives and the ultraliberals both scare me.

OH, if you want healthy milk, try goat’s milk. Half the world’s population drinks the stuff and it’s WAY more healthy than cow’s milk.

suddenly, everything is good for dreams

Davion, I am not 18 yet… but libertarianism also seems the most logical party/mindset in existence currently.

Essentially we are trying to think of something that is hard to digest yet good for you… is it just me or does that seem most likely non-existent?

Seaweed (japanese people eat it regularly, and it’s V E R Y good for you) is hard to digest for most people who aren’t accustomed to it due to the large quantities of cellulose and other complex thingies like that.

Maybe it would work… but it might cause upset stomach. :smile:

Davion - what does being “libertarian” have to do with someone offering you advice? No-one is holding a gun to your head and telling you what to do - unlike the police and the army, whose existence most self-proclaimed “libertarians” support (if not, then you’re an anarchist like me, and it sounds like you need to think that through a bit further). I would guess that by the word “libertarian” you think that everyone should be allowed to do things that you think are OK and not allowed to do things that you don’t think are OK. Am I correct?

It sounds like you are worried that you might be in the wrong, in moral and health terms, and you are resisting thinking about the issues. If you want to eat dairy products or whatever, risk affecting your health, support cruelty to animals, environmental destruction and the forced displacement of indigenous communities to make way for animal fodder (I don’t see you supporting their rights), I’m not going to stop you. But if I go on an “unauthorised” demonstration to express my opinions, I get dragged to the ground, handcuffed and locked up for 10 hours. Who’s the libertarian?

(Please don’t take offence at my robust style of argument) :wink: