Damn School

For about a week now I have been dreaming about school nonstop. Every night in fact. And I’ve been telling myself that when I’m at school, I have to be dreaming. School is out for the summer and I don’t go during the day. But in my dreams somehow, I always accept that I am in school and I am supposed to be there. Is there any other ways I can try to harness this to my advantage and turn these school dreams into ld’s? This has been very frustrating for me, and any input would be greatly appreciated.

I havn’t been in highschool since 1996, but I also have school dreams. I think it is common actually. You have the idea, school dreams are a good stepping stone into lucidity. I try to do a reality check everytime I see old school pals. Now in my dreams everytime I see old school friends I have to tell them “I have dreams about you guys all of the time.” Sometimes this induces lucidity and sometimes it just teases me and I wake up angry that I didn’t notice I was dreaming.

But I’m sure you will be having these “school dreams” for years to come. :smile: Nightmarish for many I know. :wink:

The school in my dreams is a mixture of my primary and high school. Its really wierd, and its always layed out the same way.

I have school dreams as well, but no matter how odd they are i never seem to be able to become lucid.

Yeah, I still have dreams about my primary school, despite the fact that I have not stepped foot in there for over 18 years (that makes me feel old :smile: ).

I think that it is probably due to the fact that you spend so much of your life there while you are developing as a child/young adult.

Me too. I dream about high/primary school a lot of times. It’s been 6 years since I finished high school. I think we dream a lot about this because we spent so much time in schools. More than 10 years… 15 even… I guess some part of my brain wants to go back to those days and never finish studying. :wink:

Or perhaps there were some cute girls back in school and our brain just doesn’t want to forget them. :smile:)

it seems that a lot of us dream about school. and some cannot become lucid (ie. me and tiff :meh: ) I don’t see any of my high school buddies except for a select few during the summer. These aren’t the people I dream about either lol. What can I do :frowning: :confused:: :frown:

Perhaps you could buy a piece of chalk and carry it around with you.Look at it and make an RC several times during the day.
(Perhaps you should think of something else school related,or you´ll get white trousers :wink: )
I also have school dreams,but not that frequently.If you really dream about it every day there should be a way to use it…


The bad thing about school dreams is that school isn’t a sign of a dream cuz I am still a pupil and it also could be real. But I’m going to include some school related events to my “when to do a RC-List”. Another thing I hope is that I will continue dreaming about school when I won’t be a pupil so that school will become a certain sign of dreaming.

Don’t worry about that. I am 31 years old and still dream about my school… :blush:

You know, since I came home from college about a month ago, a majority of my dreams have taken place at school. Its really strange.

Just recently it has stopped… but the last few nights its switched over to another common theme… I am in old neighborhoods that I used to live in, looking for people I knew when I used to live there and failing to find them.

I suppose, if like me you are out of school for the summer, you could do a sort of reminder all day where you do a reality check and when you determine that you aren’t dreaming tell yourself that the next time you find yourself in school you will be dreaming. Maybe?

I’m looking forward to give this a try. Unfortunately, school still lasts for the next one and a half week :sad:

I have a week or so left, not counting the week of finals i have to do. ON the positive side, having 2 or so months off gives a lot of freedom to try LD’s.

I have done all exams by now :grin: so I only have 4-5 days left of school, and I will be done with my primary school. 2 months of lucid freedom! :cool:

I’m 34 and still dream about it. Here’s a thought: studies show that dreams are important for the learning process. If we’re confronted with unfamiliar matter or surroundings we dream longer and more intensely, in order to learn and process this new information. Maybe, because you learn so much in school (scholarly, socially, sexually etc.) all this ‘new’ stuff gets embedded in your dreamworld.