Ok so a loooooooooong time ago i was meditating and just letting my mind wander and this is the situation that formed.
I was reading a post here on Ld4all and it saying something about ABC in it and I think about gum (because if the Already Been Chewed thing)
But then in the daydream thing I remembered I had had a daydream about that exact situation, where I read about the ABC in the post, and I remembered I had had a daydream about that exact situation, and it goes on and on infinite loop.
I also daydreamed about me posting about it and in the replies people didn’t like it very much, or I just didn’t make sense (it was a long time ago so the details are fuzzy) And so here I sit relaying all this to you fulfilling the last part of the daydream precognition thing awaiting your confused responses.
Self-fulfilling prophecies, they are, but still it’s enough to make one confused.
Then again, a mind trying to think of what it’s thinking it’s like a hand trying to grasp itself. No point in doing that, believe me
Also, did I break your precognition or something? XD
It sure is, but I never would have posted this unless I had “seen” the situation happen before. I think many prophesies are self fulfilling because they would have never happened if no-one knew about it but it is still a precog I think.
And haha no you did not break it yet tosxy because I was kinda confused by your post for a bit. haha.
I’ll be honest with you, it was a bit intentional.
The way you mention it rings a bell though, it’s like an idea coming out of nowhere into your life, sometimes it’s pretty enlightening
Claps Yay Tosxy! Someone else who thinks that thinking about thinking is impossible!
I know what you mean with the “prerecognition” thing. I’ve had that in dreams, like something happens in a dream then a while later, that thing happens irl. Or I daydream about something happens and then it happens later. Call it some sort of intuition or something.