Splitted from the BIG “Was this a LD topic?” cause wasn’t related to this question. I saw there was a very recent “DC oddities” thread and I found it was a good idea to merge it there.
Hey everyone, I’m going to post what happened, because I think it may be another borderline-LD that happened to me. My dream recall is really terrible, except for some vivid experiences in the dreams themselves (I really should keep up with that journal, but…work). Anyway, During part of my dream last night, I thought “Wait, I am dreaming”, and saw three people against this very yellow background. I felt that “knowing” feeling that I’ve heard about, and after saying quietly “lucidity x1000”, I approached the one on the left and asked him what it was like to be a DC.
He responded by saying “You should ask yourself what it’s like to be in your dream, because they are always (psuedo??somatic??)-judgmentalist-that is, for the layman’s terms, you are afraid of being judged”. I turned and asked the same question the next DC, a tall guy (I am pretty tall myself…he was TALL), and he told me to ask the fellow I just asked. I turned around but he was walking away already. He had on this strange light blue beanie with lightining bolts, and bolt tatoos on the coming down from the top of his head. I’ll keep an eye out for him.
Anyway, that is all that I can remember. The odd thing is, I only made the most passing attempts to clean my mind, relax myself, and prepare to dream before I fell asleep. It wasn’t expected at all, but I knew what to do once I had it. If, that is, it was actually “it”. The only reasons I don’t think it is it was the lack of prep, absolutely no reality checks, and the DC did not answer my question correctly
I finally flew this morning in my eleventh LD! Before that happened, though, I noticed some strange behavior from the DCs. First of all, they seemed very concerned about me annoying the neighbors because of my strange antics. (I responded by shouting at the top of my oneirological lungs “It’s all just a dream!”) Also, the thing that prompted me to become lucid was the fact that my family was telling me that THEY were lucid. Needless to say, the concern for the neighbors was unnecessary and the idea that they were lucid was absurd. (Unless if you take into account shared dreams, which I do not believe in.)
Just thought I’d share. Anyone else have severely misinformed DCs?
Heh, yeah, I had this one LD where a bunch of school girls were supposed to have a concert, and they were getting ready to go on stage. I think I was supposed to perform with them, but I instead I went lucid. They still kept running around, all hysterial, worrying about the concert. They kept telling me to get ready and all that. At first it was slightly amusing, but soon it became annoying, so I yelled “There is no concert! You’re in my dream!” at them. For a second they stopped, looked at me as if I were insane, then started running around getting ready for the concert again lol.
Mwahaha! This sort of answer remind me the famous DC answer to the question “Are you conscious”. The DC replied: “Of course I am. Yet I wonder if you are conscious for asking me this question.”