I’ve had two dreams now where I just randomly notice that a DC is going through a wall.
The most recent one, I believe it was a pretty long LD I was having, and I am … I guess just walking around, and I see this guy go through a wall, so I follow him.
this takes me to a secret lucid dreaming association, and it’s kind of occultist in nature I remember what happened but it doesn’t translate into anything that makes sense in the waking world… kind of just… that they knew me, and were watching me, and might let me join them… and that they were supposed to be real people… they HATED commercials, and this radio turned on and it made them all pass out because a commercial was on it, so I smashed it with a chair and helped “wake them back up”
then another time i was just starting to get lucid and I was at my old HS, and some guy, I think a guy I know in real life, but I"m not sure who he was, walks through the HS wall, I follow him but it’s real hard to get through, and some weird monster guy jumps out at me, but it’s funny, and I’m kind of laughing like “okay, that was unexpected” … then the guy in the wall asks me what happens.
Have you all ever noticed DCs doing random lucid like behavior such as walking through walls? It’s kind of odd really, I never see them flying, but here are two scenarios, both in probably the same time of night/stage of sleep, where a DC inexplicably decides to walk through a wall.
normally they act like unlucid characters, who i can impress with my awesome flying skills… sometimes they will have more dream powers than me, but the only time that’s happened was when some ladies “abducted” me and took me into a lucid dream realm, where i got into some trouble with the locals, and then when I get lucid and run into this girl I used to know, who I for some reason believe might be a lucid dreamer… sometimes she can exert some control over me.
actually, the first time i recall this happening was about a month ago, and I … these guys, they were “dream walking” or “dream jumping” … entering people’s dreams, and they showed me how… it involves deconstructing your current dream and entering the black void, which usually, when I’m in it it feels like I’m fighting my way through heavy blankets, walls, etc, etc, it feels like wlaking through dream walls basically and then you imagine the person you want to find.
it gives me real real real real real weird results… like entering the Simpsons when I tried to find this one guy… some sort of cviil war looking place when I went to look for another friend.
so I dunno… these guys are real interesting, if they are real dreamers I wish we could find a way to verify our contact in the waking world.