has anyone ever had a character in a lucid dream who can control the dream? Last night a friend of mine was a character in my dream and she had complete control over the dream, could even do things that i’ve never been able to like mucking about with time, and manipulating weather.
Hm sometimes a DC seems to have some control over the dream, but that’s always when I’m non-lucid. Were you lucid in that dream?
Otherwise I think it’s just a reaction to subconscious impulses… But if you were lucid, and you were forced to let the other DC control your dream, then it could be a strong sign of your subconsciousness. I’m not sure what it could mean though…
Interesting phenomenon… Makes you think about the level of control you might have in a theoretically shared dream.
sounds like maybe it was a shared dream.
Well, I’ve had characters lucid, who have tried to take control. But, like me, failed miserably .
When I told him about it, he was annoyed that he turned out to be such as idiot in my dream .
But, I know it wasn’t a shared dream, as he didn’t know about LD’ing till after I told him (around a month after haveing the dream).
because the dream happened around 1100h and the person in real life had been up since 0400h and was counting species of birds in the middle of no where, 400km north of here. And I was lucid, i had become lucid earlier when reading a book, I noticed that a quote i knew was wrong and when I read it again it was different. Plus i was able to control some things. The things she was doing though I couldn’t, no matter how i tried, and she just laughed at me. It made me think vaguely of Jasper Fford’s novels. Has anyone here read them? In there there is a person who is a mnenomorph, a person who’s memory in someone elses head is a concious entity in and of itself.
Maybe a shared dream can cross time like it crosses space? (Not that I believe in shared dreaming, but never mind)
Please change the title to “DCs that have dream control” or somtehing like that. This title is useless.
Burn that title at the stake!!!
Yes this occured in a long serious of LD’s more at the beggining of my career. He was like my arch rival and every time I got lucid he would annihalate me. But getting back to the point he had almost total dream control and could manipulate just abut everything.
He isn’t in your dreams now is he? How did you get rid of him?
[color=indigo]I like the title, made me curious. Y r u always so mean? lol[/color]
Mmmm I have never experienced this one before. I don’t really know what to make of it other than your subconscious messing with you.
But seriously. Perhaps it was just a lower level of lucidity so you did not have much control yet but, you (your subconsciousness) somehow gave your friend the control you wanted. I think that as you gain more control yourself you won’t have this problem.
Just my opinion.
Good Luck
Subject officially changed…
I’m not complaining at all it was a lot of fun really. Just curious as to who else has had this happen.
Tell me you did not change the title just because r3m0t told you to. There was nothing wrong with your title. He is just in a mood.
Anyway, I’m glad you had fun and hope you have more LD’s.
Good luck
In a way, an invisible DC always has complete control over the dream. Your subconscious decides where the dream is going to take place, who’s going to be there, what’s going to happen, what you see, what you hear, what’s going to change, etc.
The only difference is that a DC gets credit for all of your subconscious’ decision-making.
I suppose that’s true. The DC is just another puppet of the subconcious which is trying to say something by the way the images are being presented. Even in a LD or real life the subconcious has an amazing amount of power. I think i’m going to have to have another look at my Dj entry for that night and think about it for a while.
As for the title change, this one does give more info and there is no point in adding to the guy’s mood. You can always tear down his ego later
I’ve talk about that before…
Once a DC revealed to me that your entire dreamscape is your spirit guide, and every DC in it is a part of your spirit guide. Every aspect of your dream is just a small part of your spirit guide. Sometimes your spiritguide even takes the form of one.
This explains lots of things about DCs, including why some are smart, some are stupid, some just want to have sex with you etc. Your spiritguide is your collective subconcious and is always in control of your dreams, and why you are lucid, you control your dreams through your spirit guide, so in a sense a DC is always in control of your dreams… it is just a matter of learning to work with or manipulate your DC.
(Yes a DC told this to me through telepathy… not spoken word telepathy but the entire idea was handed to me from the DC in less than an instant)
I respect your thoughts on this though I do not completely agree with it. I agree that your subconscious does have some influence over your LD ‘s. However, in my experience it varies depending on my degree of lucidity and/or the amount of control I exert over the dream. If I do not take complete control over my dreams then my subconscious will fill in any “gaps” in my dream. However, in a lucid dream my subconscious can not override my decisions/ actions. At least that is my experience to date.
Why you just did not kill her? It is no good when DC roams through the dream holding all keys from your dream world .
milod, I wasn’t implying that you did not have control in your LDs… you do… perhaps this is a language barrier … The nature and home of your dreams is your subconcious, when you LD you are in control of your dreams, unless you let your subconcious take control, but you aren’t generating the dream in your concious mind, you are generating it in your subconcious. LDs are like your concious mind taking control of your subconcious.
As for my rival guy I eventually decided I had enough and had a huge epic battle with him in which I eventually one. If you have evr seen Matrix Revolutions it was like the final battle between Neo and Agent Smith only hundreds of times more powerful.