dead man following me, and when waking up he stands over me

in the dream, I had a big consert, then I met a man who was cool, taught me things on the guitar. but later he´s been found dead, he´s face was completly scortched. and he started following me. i jumpwaked myself, and what happend was that he was standing 1 feet above me, i Could smell the burned flesh, and then i woke up. so apperantly, when i tried to wake myself, it turned out to turned into a nightmare…

has anything like that happend to you guys?

Can’t remember any false awakenings, but I’ve had scary dreams as well. Sometimes it is about dead people that rise from coffins to get you etc. I do have nightmares once in a month or two, but not regularly. After I started practicing lucid dreaming, the frequency of nightmares was totally diminished.
They are scary when you experience them firsthand, but when you read some old nightmares from your DJ, it is just a lot of fun :smile:
Some of them can get quite detailed as well, as you’ve said: not only vivid imagery and sounds, but also smell and even pain. If you’re not lucid, you might have a bad time.

I first started LD when i was around 4-5 years, i had this horrible nightmare that i had every night for a couple of months, even if i was aware that i was in a dream,now im 17, so ive been controling every dream,nightmare just as i like, having full control of everything that is happening, my emergency if i lose control is to go 3rd person in the dream.

but this one scared me. because i´ve never lost control to that extent, i had lost the ability to do the emergency escape. but still in a LD… NEVER have that happend. and even after i woke up, i just felt he was standing in my room, and had the feeling someone was following me, but he lost track at me, but the feeling still remains inside me, that he is searching for me…

I think Freddy Krueger got to you… :bored: :bored:

Yes, but I don’t consider it Beyond dreaming. It was a false awakening and still a dream. Sometimes, instead of a false awakening it’s hallucinatory sleep paralysis… but the most recent time that happened, I was actually able to interpret as a reflection of my psychological state. (Instead of Freddy Krueger, it was Offred or Ofglen from Margaret Atwood’s novel “The Handmaid’s Tale”. I think it represented my own feeling of helplessness, because-- a gruesome detail-- the figure’s extremities had been sawn off. Perhaps you fear that artistic expression will leave you “burned out”?)

I understand what you’re talking about, but you have to realise that strong nightmares and stuff have a tendency to linger with you after the dream. That is probably why you felt he was following you even after you woke up. Like I feel as if I am cut irl, after I wake up from a dream of being cut.

I think you’ll find what you had is called a Lucid Nightmare. You’re lucid and completely aware of what is going on, but have absolutely no way to stop it. My instant reaction is to use my tiny bit of lucidness to wake myself up. Obviously, remind yourself not to be afraid and that you are in control. But don’t be so shocked about not having control in such a situation. It happens to everyone, and you just have to remember to stay calm next time.

sounds like a nightmare